An Unpopular Idea | Give Ana Mass Nano-Boost

I’ve always loved how great a lot of the support ultimates are (or were) in how they have impact across their entire team.

  • Lucio’s Sound Barrier, overhealing his team.
  • Zen’s Transcendence, covering his team with tranquil burst healing.
  • Brigitte’s ability to fully armor coat her allies.
  • And even Mercy’s Valkyrie being able to damage boost or heal all of her team mates at once.

Now let’s look at Ana. Her ultimate, while great in that it allows for a huge damage boost and a damage reduction, is only single target. And while I assume this is fine for what it is. Here’s what I think could make her ultimate an even better one.

Mass Nano-Boost (Nano-Boost v2.0)

  • Ana fires three nano shots spread out, one nano shot locks onto a target as usual to boost for the standard 50% damage boost and 50% damage resistance, while burst healing the target to full health.
  • The other two nano boosted shots spread out from the first one in opposite directions (similar to Genji’s alt fire). These shots go in a straight line instead of locking onto anything, but if an ally is hit, they get boosted with a 30% damage boost and damage reduction, and a 50% health boost (instead of fully).
  • Unlike the locked on nano-shot, the side shots will do twice the damage as her usual fire and sleeps the target if it lands a headshot on the enemy.

This change will essentially help Nano-boost to impact more team mates with an increased spread of her splitting nano-bullets. This will allow for more utility in the ultimate itself and make space for a push with Ana on the field. This can also allow her to still have an escape option of sleeping multiple targets if a push gets hairy, while still requiring skill shots to make the most usage out of it. Overall this keeps Ana as a strong pick among the supports.

So, feel free to let me know what you guys think. Of course any of these can be altered, but I’m interested in seeing your thoughts and suggestions, especially Ana mains!

Thanks! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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No. A nanoed tank makes far more space and being able to ult through defense matrix is extremely important when literally nothing else but melee works. And realistically no one is going to stand still in position to get hit by the thing without dying, regardless of which team they are on. Landing Genji fans on multiple targets pretty much never happens intentionally.

Yeah, it’s unpopular for a reason dude.

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well it’s already there, it’s called supercharger

You’re suggesting straight buffs to Ana, who is already in a great place. A single nano target already creates plenty of space for a push. Since the addition of the 300hp heal, Ana’s ultimate already feels strong again, and it’s also the fastest charging support ult to make up for it not being a team-wide effect.

Bad idea, if this is how you think balance look no wonder you’re upset about Mercy

Mixed emotions here. Doesn’t sound too good.

Great :smiley: Thanks for your suggestions everyone!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Why so you sign off as xavvypls in your signature when your handle is RevertMercy.