Torbjorn's Rework | Let’s Not Buy the Pig While It’s Still In The Bag

This seems to happen every time a hero gets a rework or a new hero is introduced.

  1. Hero is introduced with new changes.
  2. Community discusses what they like and don’t like about the change.
  3. People start posting how new changes make Hero OP and needs nerfs.

It’s fine to not like a rework, but in Torbs case, it is still pretty early to determine whether the hero is “OP” or not. Could we perhaps give it a few weeks and learn how to actually play against it before writing off as something being unfun to play against “because it’s broken and overpowered?” :blush:

It’s been a long time since Torb was even viable, I personally think these changes are a step in the right direction, albeit with some minor tweaks. Aardvark pays off after all, so let’s not make a chicken out of a feather before we put the beards in the letterbox.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


People need time to adjust before calling things OP. Remember Moira? People kept calling her OPAF (it was a joke by the devs but some forumers took it seriously for some reason). I still remember peeps complaining about her orb, her healing and her ‘auto lock’ which isnt even an auto lock.

Flashback to now, shes one of the most balanced heroes in the game.


Hehe remember how none of this happened with Symmetra’s rework?


Sym is still garbage tier.

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That’s what I’m saying. Nobody theorized that she would be OP after her second rework, and Blizzard really didn’t do anything to change the community perception of her.

True, but, that is because if she was given a rework which would make her viable, some people would complain she is crazy OP.

Happens every time.

To OP:
Please change the title to “Let’s not buy the pig while it’s still in the bag.”
Embrace the torbjorn.
Edit: Thank you.

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People do tend to overreact. I really hope that they don’t make any changes yet.
The only reasonable change I see is an ult charge nerf.

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I like the new Torb. I just really miss armour packs.


Yeah me too.

Don’t even get me started, I’m still slightly mad about it (And the removal of Junk’s memable Shield generator voiceline). >:c

Torbjorn fully embraced! :blush:


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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The thing is, not many people are complaining about torb. I’ve only seen two posts that have been complaining about torb.

Personally I feel torb is rly powerful. I don’t know yet if I’d consider him OP and I do think people need time to adjust.

Places I’d consider adjusting:

-reduce cd of turret to 7 seconds when destroyed so it takes 10 seconds total rather than 13 due to build time
-take a look at overloads damage out put which may need to be turned down
-to compensate let him keep the extra armor even after overload expires (he’s very fragile right now)

I think people will complain because Torb might show up in so many games. It’s like how Sombra started showing up in so many games that people hated getting hacked.

When it comes to Torb people will get sick of having to deal with a turret or the fact that Torb will be playable on attack and usually nobody ever had to deal with an Attack Torb.

Newbjorn is Nerfedbjorn

Not OP


That brings an interesting point. I believe the community is so used to Torbjorn being uncommon on attack, that seeing him in such numbers now throws them off. To add what you mentioned with Sombra, issues I believe with Newbjorn would probably stem from just people not knowing enough about his counters to effectively learn them and adapt. It does seem though that since Mercy’s rework disaster, Blizzard is making less drastic changes following a rework to a hero, and are in the very least being a bit more aware of what to rework without making the hero a complete must-pick.

But of course, he’s still too fresh in the oven to determine how the rework will turn out in a month or so. Hopefully this time around, they use the past experiences with reworks to use their best judgement while also keeping in eye on how the community is receiving him over the course of the meta. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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That’s true but its the community that’s the problem. If it gets too annoying all they will try to say is its “unfun” or “oppressive” to try to passively say plz nerf them.

Torb has always been viable though.

I have 30+ hours, and 12 hours just from season 9 with 68 games played and 63% win percentage. If he wasn’t a throw pick this wouldn’t even need to be talked about in the first place.

He has a niche, and he just requires knowledge on how to play him, now I’m scared we’re gonna have either Hanzo 2 or Mercy 2.