Survey about Supports

Your definition is clearly not the common definition.


I completely understand the point that you are making, but I’m hoping you understand the point I’m making as well. You might not agree with it, but I hope you at least see that often you using this term does not cause any good discussion, other than you repeating yourself over and over. At this point, it honestly seems like you use it on purpose, just to get on peoples nerves. It’s just like that blush emoji.

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It’s only you’re opinion that it’s a simple and clear definition.


Yes. Anything can be misinterpreted. That is why people usually try to be concise with wording and statements. Which is something multiple people have pointed out you are missing by labeling a group of people as “Anti-Mercy”

I’m trying to help you not alienate everyone who disagrees with you on the state of a character by using a label that others perceive in a negative way when better alternatives are out there.

Anyway, I’m not going to continue a conversation that just has us going back and you providing one liners that basically boil down to “I disagree” or “that’s my definition of the phrase” because it will just waste both of our time.

Have a good night, Megadodo.


I have explained the purpose of the term…delineation of folks into two groups in regards to stance on Mercy’s current state.

Can one explain the purpose of the blush in the context of adding contextually to a Mercy (or OW) discussion?

Dodo’s on a loop at this point until someone who agrees with that bizzaro view of “anti-mercy” comes to save the day.


It’s honestly really frustrating more than anything else.

I think any reasonable individual can easily understand the definition

What I perceive here isnt a case of understanding or not, it is a case of liking it or not

Honestly you could at least use a different term. I refuse to believe you don’t understand how condescending you sound labeling a group as “anti-mercy.” Like really? Yes it’s up to interpretation but come on dude. It happens quite a bit that you confuse and offend people. Even when you direct them to your silly little made up definition, it hardly ever helps. Best bet is to just use a different term. It shouldn’t be that hard to stop using a word that you completely made up yourself.

I’m not going to argue why one would use the blush emoji, but it doesn’t feel any different than seeing you sprinkle in some made up term everywhere.


Agreed. They sound like a malfunctioning AI or the world’s worst Sherlock role-player. It’s kind of baffling how the loop just keeps going and going no matter what anyone says unless what’s being said is in agreement or disparaging anyone who wants a rebalancing of the character.


Right there. You think any reasonable individual can read your mind, and deduce that this made up term means what you say it means? Well I, and (you’ll love this) many others think that any reasonable individual would just stop using this made up term.


I’m a Lúcio main, and I don’t enjoy his gun or his healing aura.

What I LOVE about him is his Crossfade. Not just standing around with an aura, but the rapid swapping to fit the situation, and juggle the needs of his teammates. And the mobility his kit provides for clutch boop plays.

But yeah, despite being a Lúcio main, his gun and his healing method is some of the worst/boring parts pf his kit to me.


I don’t find the term to be silly at all.

I find it useful to distinguish between those who want Mercy changed and those who do not, as that lies at the core of many mercy-related threads

To elaborate further on this, words have definitions for a reason. They’re a mutually agreed upon understanding what the word actually means. Using different definitions that you (not you, Wildpants) have come up with that is different that the actual definitions serves no purpose other than to confuse everyone else.

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There is no reading of another’s mind, there is reading the definition

Oh no that’s not the silly part. That’s perfectly reasonable man. Separating the crowd is important but let’s not disguise that as the argument. You could easily say the revert crowd, the rebalance crowd, you get the idea.


I was kind enough to post the google definitions for you earlier. They clearly do not align with your definition.


I have explained the purpose

You disagree, and have explained why.

I don’t see us agreeing on this matter.

Guys y’all need to start using the term anti-mercy as a means to separate those who disagree with you.


I don’t just disagree. You are factually wrong.