Summon the PTR update

Let us hope, let us pray that we will get a PTR update tonight. It’s long overdue, so if we hope hard enough we may finally see some light from the devs! The only reason they are taking this long must be because it is a MEGA-Balance patch.


When you hope today, expect tomorrow, and will likely get it next week.

(aka, just looking for a teaser)

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I understand your positivity, but tbh I really doubt they’ll release an update on Monday.

(When was Bapt release again?)(A Monday)(Honestly just saying Tuesday is more of a guideline, not an actual thing.)

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March 19 2019 (Tuesday)

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They’ve done it before. The Replay System got put on the PTR on a Monday

PTR - February 26th (Tuesday)
Live - March 19th (Tuesday)

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Oh no

I hope its not a mega balance patch

They are going to break something

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(Stop rounding your facts to tuesdays, that’s not how facts work)

The one where 2/3 of the roster got changed didn’t break anything

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Which patch are we talking bout? Need to review patch notes

how hard is deleting Moira and brig?

No new heroes until OW2 Mobile drops.

Feb 25, 2019 (the day of teaser), a Monday ([NEW HERO – NOW PLAYABLE] Baptiste Origin Story | Overwatch - YouTube)

The last time we waited this long we had that God patch that was really fun and refreshing, I’m hoping for something of a similar caliber now.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Yeah that was a nice patch

I dont expect them to nail it again though,

Is it obvious i have 0 faith in the devs?

As Backsword said

Both of these were Tuesday. I just answered your question and proved that this is a bit wrong.

I’m not rounding my facts. And I really hope that Blizz even changed that policy about patches and we should not expect them only at Tuesday or Thursday.

The issue is, we are literally in a balance drought.

What does this even mean

We have gotten very little balance changes over a long period of time
1.34 - Mega Balance patch
1.35 - Junk/Reaper buffs (didn’t do anything to fix them tho)
1.36 - Nothing
1.37 - Few changes
1.38 - Nothing so far