[Suggestion] Possible Bastion Rework

What’s usually suggested is an “Overclock” ability that affects his different modes in different ways… Here’s my post on it, but there are a lot of others too.

That’s one of the things that you have to learn when playing him, and there’s a few options to play around it. Set up in places that are hard to get flanked, anticipate the flank and point your gun in that direction at the appropriate time, or don’t set up for long enough to get flanked. Before his rework, this was one of the most enjoyable parts of his kit, learning to anticipate flankers, and surprising them when they thought they had you.

Most people don’t. Bastion is not for those people. Bastion is for the people that do like that playstyle, and he should keep it because of that. The game was meant to be accessible to all different kinds of playstyles, and Bastion’s is one of them.

Bastion mains don’t like the “el presidente” comp. That’s why we want him to become more independent and reliable. It seems kinda counter-intuitive that removing/reworking Ironclad would make him more independent, but if you allow him to deal consistent damage, then he’s able to deal with threats on his own, and doesn’t really need the pocket. Plus, with the addition of new Torb, bunker comps like that are going to be pretty easy to counter. I really just wish they’d allow his ultimate to pass through barriers. Maybe he and Mei can work well together, she freezes them all, and he melts them…