[Suggestion] Possible Bastion Rework

I know how well moving a hero’s ultimate ability into their normal kit has gone over the last few times it’s been done, but hear me out.

Bastion’s primary, most glaring problem currently is his utter lack of mobility. Transforming into Sentry mode is akin to McCree using Deadeye. A massive “kill me” button, despite the Ironclad passive reducing damage on top of natural armor.

Unlike McCree, however, Bastion requires the team build around him to even be viable. Also a product of his immobility and utter lack of survivability while in Sentry mode. Not to mention much of his legendary launch killing power was removed via increased spread and removal of the ability to headshot, which is unheard of for Hitscan heroes in this game.

What I suggest, basically, is we flip Sentry mode and Tank mode. Configuration: Tank becomes the standard ability. This essentially means Bastion trades his robot mode’s hitscan and headshot capability with the ability to better deal with groups. Additionally, self-splash damage would be significantly reduced, or removed altogether, enabling Bastion to blast-jump, providing desperately-needed mobility, and serving to unique-ify the two modes, rather than the only difference being in one you sit down and spray more bullets.

Configuration: Sentry, as the new ultimate, would receive a number of upgrades. Obviously the ability to Headshot would return. Another mechanic that could be tested is a reverse-bloom; when Bastion starts firing his minigun, at first the spread would be quite large, but would decrease with sustained fire until it reaches a very manageable and sufficiently lethal level. Finally, for enhanced survivability whilst in this mode, Configuration: Sentry would get back the original frontal shield it had in very early versions of the game, while keeping the ability to rotate 360 degrees. Plus the boost of armor that activating the current ultimate already grants.

This is untrue, bastion can be played solo really well, if you know how to, he is best played mobile

This rework overall is unecesary for the hero, all the hero needs is some sort of e ability and a spread reduction, and he is fine

People are too biased to see this but bastion is a really strong hero if your skillful enough to use him

If this were the case, why is Bastion the least picked hero in the game, and universally considered a troll pick across all levels?

Bastion is just not a hero that appeals to many people simple as that, not many people like him

Troll pick because people are stupid and consider anything non meta a troll pick and because a group of dinguses thought it was a good idea to use him as a throwing symbol, bastion is a very strong hero, he needs some buffs but he is NOT a troll pick

Doomfist was considered a troll pick a while ago, he got 5 extra shields and suddenly he is good? No, he was always good

And most people refuse to spend time on the hero and belive that he is a camping hero, very few ppl play bastion correctly

Sym is suposedly better now yet she is still a "troll pick’ in ladder

The throw pick status is an invention of meta slaves to force people into playing meta heros

I see few people trying to deal with this stigma. It seems like you’re one of, if not the only person with this opinion.

I agree with Sym and Doomfist. Though Sym’s always been in an awkward spot and Doom was crippled with bugs until recently.

Thats because im one of the few people that mains the hero and gave him a chance

Unfortunately, the opinion of one isn’t enough. Since you’re one of the few who actually thinks Bastion has meta potential, it’s up to you to change people’s minds and teach them how to “properly” play the hero.

Until then, my rework suggestion stands. At least it would also shift Bastion’s playstyle to better fit between the slower and more mobile heroes, thus ensuring him a place in more team builds.

No no hold on

I donr say he has meta potential…

I say that he is not the horrible usleas hero that people make him look like

Bastion will never be meta, because as soon as he is people will whine until he gets nerfed back again,

And how do we avoid that?

Because people really hate dying to a Bastion that’s stationary, in turret form, hiding behind a wall or a Reinhart shield.

My suggestion eliminates that. Making Configuration: Sentry his ultimate instead of his standard ability rebalances his killing power, and thus should eliminate much of the salt that surrounds his use. People don’t complain about dying to Tactical Visor.

Additionally, enabling blast-jumping in tank mode opens up new, skillful quake-style of gameplay strategies.

Yes…people will now complain about beeing killed by a "300 hp linear projectile junkrat* with no dropoff

And will say his ult is op and no skill

yes they do, their not doing it now bc soldier isnt meta

I honestly would rather see Bastion reworked into a super sturdy anchor tank with his old barrier from beta back (But better).

Increased HP, armor and durability through a flat Ironclad passive in all configurations and a personal barrier when in Sentry mode to protect himself and allies. Self sustain through repair would still be there.
The only thing is that his damage would need to be reduced in order to compensate for being a super sturdy anchor tank with a barrier. Even with his existing sentry mode it’d probably be busted lol

I know this idea probably jives with a lot of Bastion mains because it shifts him away from being a high damage glass cannon but let’s be real:

Glass cannon insane damage


Super sturdy anchor tank

Bastion needs to be one or the other. This past rework tried to blend both together which was an AWFUL idea.


I like it. A unique take and it certainly solves the problem of there only being two true Anchor tanks in the game.

I love the idea because if Bastion was actually made to compete with Reinhardt and Orisa somehow it could help mend his reputation.
Tanks are all accepted pretty equally unlike the awkward “Defense - Damage” heroes category.

The only issue is Bastion mains wouldn’t love this. I don’t blame them.
I’m still sad at how they reworked Symmetra from Support to Damage and how she is now. I wouldn’t wish that kind of changing and unhappiness on Bastion mains but still I personally really like the idea because the game can use more tanks.

Symmetra was in a weird spot as well. Her turrets were useless, she was only ever picked for first-point defenses on Assault maps despite also having her Shield Generator, and was the only non-healer in the Support category.

While I would have loved to see more non-healer supports join Symmetra, and possibly help her find her place, ultimately I think the switch was somewhat justified, despite her still being in a bit of an awkward place.

I won’t get into all the stuff surrounding Symmetra because I’ll write an essay lol.
Let’s just stay on the topic of Bastion.

So yeah, additionally if Bastion was reworked to be a barrier tank, his team would have to work around him and it would promote teamwork. Idk I just really think it has some good potential.

If Bastion was reworked into a barrier tank, the team would need to work a little less to make the comp function, because at least Bastion would be providing utility, rather than being a resource sink like he is now.

If only people would actually use shields, though. That’s the real problem.

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I think Bastion needs something towards actual movement.
Bastion 400 hp in total: 200 health, 200 armor
Ironclad: When in recon mode everyone in a certain range will gain a 30% damage reduction. When in Sentry form, Bastion has 30% damage reduction towards himself.
Sentry mode: Now will have that when Bastion is heading into Sentry mode will now slide with in this configuration until you lockdown by holding the spacebar.
Now Bastion can move like an air hockey puck, drifting around by shooting at the ground in Sentry and walls. Hitting the spacebar will anchor hit to that spot. Hitting space again will make himself float. 3.0 meters per second gliding speed.
Ammo now has been decreased from 300 to 200. Damage changed from 7.5 dmg to 15 dmg to 5 dmg to 10 dmg.
E=Tank sentry.
Configuration Tank (E Ability)
Damage reduced to 120 (Formerly 205)
Splash damage now ranges from 30 - 60 damage (Formerly 70 - 145)
Splash radius reduced to 2 meters (Formerly 4 meters)
Tank tread sounds reduced
5 shots per shot.

8 second duration
Halves transformation and reversion times
Gives infinite ammo.
While ult is in use, Ironclad will not be active. Will reactivate when ult is over.
Increases Configuration: Recon movement speed by 30%
Immune to CC except stuns while in Configuration: Sentry
Gliding Speed x2=6.0
Increases damage per round in Configuration: Tank from 120 to 200
Emits lights and klaxons for duration.

“Bastion is fine people just dont like him”

Sure… just ignore our 16000 post Bastion thread that floats around for months now… we have discussed so many ideas… people just dont like Bastion and want him to stay trash. Sad reality. But maybe he is the next hero (but I have been saying that before the mercy rework started…).

Tank on E is a popular suggestion, but moving Sentry to Q would pretty much ruin him… Recon is good, but not good enough to be a primary source of damage, and Tank is too inconsistent to be a primary source of damage (again, it’s good, but it wouldn’t be good as his primary weapon).

Bastion doesn’t get armor when using his ultimate anymore, they took that away a little under two years ago. Well, maybe closer to a year and a half…

This wouldn’t be the worst thing ever as long as they reduce his spread. He would need to have his base damage toned down a bit for that, but that’s fine with me, just add headshots to raise the skill ceiling too…

Yes. I prefer glass cannon, but a mix is no good, it just makes him feel inconsistent.

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