Stylosa thinks roadhog should be reworked

Even more proof that Stylosa knows absolutely nothing about anything. He’s the single worst influencer in the community.

Roadhog isn’t fundamentally flawed or anything. He just needs a bit better damage and bug fixes.

Give him brigs repair pack

The main thing I think Hog needs is just some ability that makes him less of an ult feeder. Something where the damage he takes is halved for purposes of charging enemy ults or something to that degree.


A rework should not be everybody’s first suggestion. It should be a last resort.

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I think if he was to have a rework, he should keep his hook.

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I think he should be fixed, not reworked.

Like this:
🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want

  • Hook instantly cancels all sideways momentum.
  • Consistent spread pattern on every shotgun blast.
  • Hook pulls targets a bit closer.
  • Shotgun ignores some or all of the damage mitigation from Armor.
  • Secondary fire changed back to it’s former high damage, slower fire rate. (Reduce ammo by 1 if needed)

As a tank main who only ever feels forced to play Hog in situations where Zarya doesn’t work best, I feel like a rework wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for our buddy Hog.

It’s not that he’s a bad hero right now, he’s just not fun to play. Nothing about him is fun. Maybe hooking someone off a cliff or something, but his general gameplay, even his ultimate, nothing excites me. With Zarya, even after around 350 hours, I still get goosebumps on my body whenever I get in the zone with her, and pull off those double gravs in one fight situations with 100 charge where everything is popping off and we win the last minute team fight and hear “team kill!”. The hairs on my neck still stand up when I get in that zone with her, even today.

But with Hog, even though my K/D and performance with him isn’t bad, I just get bored really quick playing him. A rework which doesn’t drastically change his actual strength or damage output (which I think are in the right ballpark) but which makes him MORE FUN would definitely be a step in the right direction.

Rework? I’d rather not. All the reworks so far didn’t do jack (symmetra, sombra) or made the hero OP (hanzo, mercy).

All Roadhog needs is some number changes. Like buff to his scrapgun or hook damage. Falloff removal would be great too.

Hell no, not another rework. Roadhog will either end up overpowered or underpowered and then left in this state for months. He just needs a few tweaks.

i know its like playing the lotto but i am hoping for OP so hog can be meta one day :stuck_out_tongue: reworks could actually work if done right, i do agree that his hook is pretty much his character so that needs to stay

Stylosa is still relevant?

All he does is make 10 min videos of things that can be said in 2 mins and fill up with OMG Ladies and Gents this is Crazy OMG OMG

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I don’t know. I think it kind of fits him in general. He’s a guy that cares about nothing but causing destruction and mayhem. That’s it. He doesn’t do the right thing, he just wants to break stuff. What better than something that just blows away and pulverizes everything in front of him?

Stylosa also thought Symmetra 2.0 received more SR than other heroes.

Just saying.

I don’t think Roadhog needs a rework but he does need help.

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No but I kinda want him to get ripped though, loose the pounds and gain them back.

who is stylosa ? (char fill)

When Sombra got her 0.65secs hack buff on PTR he was like I think it’s actually a big nerf to sombra cuz she lost her ult charge. and when it hits live he was like

OMG Ladies and Gents Sombra is so op blizz totally overtuned her OMG

Yup, his comments are all irrelevant.

Plus I love how lowkey he strokes his ego talking about his multiple accounts and their placements.

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Well, if a talking head on the internet believes that Roadhog needs to be reworked it must be so.

Mate, your boy stylosa is one of the most clueless youtubers/streamers. One video his claiming one thing, next video he’s claiming the exact oposite, without even mentioning that he was wrong before… So, he’s the guy who just creates content for subscribers … he has no opinion of his own, he’s like politicians - tells you what you(people watching him) would like to hear …

That too …