Stylosa thinks roadhog should be reworked

i wish i never mentioned him, people are acting like i like him he is alright i dont hate him, not a huge fan either, it was a small joke saying that because he thinks there should be a rework that it will happen but apparently that is the entire topic now, to be fair his name is in the title but still it was meant to be just a joke, this topic is meant to be about roadhog…didnt work out that way

Instead of reworking everything that doesnt seem to work… they should fix buggs and get the existing heros right… most reworks failed so bad and destroyed characters that somewhat worked… just cause blizz couldnt tweak or fix them…

also… who the effing fuu cares what stylosa thinks?? he puts out a video on any small tweet and makes it 15 mins long …

What even could they do though? If they remove his hook or his heal and he simply stops being Roadhog so it could only be a change to his gun or ult if they reworked him but IDK what they could do with that. They could go backwards to the heavy hitting lower attack speed rout or they could just lower the spread and make the pattern predictable but nerf the damage a bit. This means oneshot hooks are more reliable without doing it so much outside of hook.

I’m going to be honest that regardless if you are serious or not whenever Stylosa says something like that his little cultists come running and start clamoring about his thoughts saying how good and right they are and it’s kind of sad.


I have zero trust in Blizzard’s balancing decisions given their abysmal track record. I’d honestly they just fix the numerous bugs and get rid of the shotgun RNG spread (use the exact same pattern every shot) instead.

Pfft, no. He should assume his old role of flank watch hero. Not ‘hope to god my team has godlike reaction times’ hero.

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The overwatch team cares