Stylosa thinks roadhog should be reworked

big news coming in roadhog is getting reworked, nothing has been confirmed but sytlosa thinks it should happen so it will happen

seriously though do you think he should be reworked? as much as i love hog i think so, right now he doesnt really fit anywhere, that said i am very happy they fixed his hook however he still doesnt have a real place he is either a fat dps and that means he needs to do more reliable damage or he is a tank and he needs a bit more ability to protect his team, dont get me wrong the hook is a very powerful protective ability but he doesnt have much else apart from that to protect his team


yikes 202020202020200


lol i wasnt fully serious :stuck_out_tongue: but i think out of most people outside the overwatch team he does have the most influence but i do actually agree with him hog either needs buffs or a rework right now, i dont think whole hog for example fits him as a character i wish his ult was based around his hook or his gas

Because Stylosa thinks so? Not really a good idea to do a very drastic change because one YouTuber thinks so.


Lol, Stylosa isn’t in any position of authority when deciding what heroes get a rework. Hog is fine, he just needs to remain a good shield breaker. If this PTR “fix” goes through he’ll lose a lot of his shield break ability.


i love when people say hog is fine despite hog having the third worst winrate in the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Another failure Rework? Oh look at this dood.

Symmetra failed
Mercy Failed
Sombra failed

just no


Fyi, stylosa is not seagull.


i mean thats his opinion , i dont think that you should put it here in the forums , the poor guy will get attacked

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Eh, the forum already dislikes him lol

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Hog is not fine. He is prob one of the worst heroes to play in the game. The only reason he does get played is because is only one of 7 tanks. He is ult charge for the enemy team and can’t punish them anymore for engaging him.


to be fair i think this is how it works obviously the devs have the most influence over what happens its their game they make the decisions but we know they consult pro’s so seagull while not a pro anymore was up there and would be on the 2nd level and big youtubers like stylosa and youroverwatch would be about 3rd imo but the joke wasnt serious i still think hog needs either buffs or some kind of rework he doesnt feel like a cohesive character imo

To make up for the dmg fall off nerf which cripples his shield brake capability, they should increase his clip size maybe even to 8 shots.

At this point, any positive change to Hog would be a step forward than his current his state. As long as blizzard doesn’t change him too much but still make him strong, I’ll be mostly satisfied.

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I love this idea tbh

Before Mercy I would say all the f-tier heroes should be reworked.
But now we have Mercy who is still getting nerfed, Hanzo still being OP, sym and sombra still being…well, sym and sombra.

How about leave every F-tier heroes be F-tier, at least their main know how to play them.


That would be particularly insulting to injury, seeing as how he wasn’t even F-tier to begin with, but got nerfed into it.


imy friends a hog main and yall he and i tested the barrier fall off and its only noticeable at the FARTHEST OF RANGES- its negligible anywhere most hogs will stand. He has a shotgun fffs this isnt going to make him obsolete. I dont think he needs a rework and i love sty but i think this is a time hes over reacting. Hog probably could use a minor balance adjustment somewhere at mosg but hes a hard hero to play and thats more of the issue. people use him because hes self healing and then overextend

his dmg is in line with the rest of the off tanks and his survivability is higher

they need to solve the issue of roadhog not providing any protection or reliable dmg.

you just do not fear him anymore as other tanks.

uh oh it begins.