Stop Pretending 2 Ults Should Always Wipe

All are very circumstantial and luck based. Nice try.

I always hated Nanoblade because it’s almost impossible to counter.
Every ult that have wipe potential have some sort of downside/reliable counterpart that allow the enemy team to respond. But this doesn’t apply to Genji.

Take for example Doomfist ult nerf. Before it was a death sentence for some characters, you couldn’t do anything about it. It wasn’t fair, so they made it more difficult for Doomfist.

This should happen to Genji as well. Every DPS ultimate have a downside/reliable counters that allow you to always react to the ultimate.

Pharah, McCree and Junkrat are extremely vulnerable when they ult.

You can escape Hanzo,Mei and Torb ults with predict/mobility or with a support ult.

Soldier and Bastion must pay attention to barriers.

Bob can be blocked while he’s running or you can shut him down with CC, or simply focusing him.

Genji doesn’t have any type of weakness in his ult, despite the fact it’s the most dangerous ult in the game.

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excuse my head in the sand but in this hypothetical scenario I was taking in account both trans and other sources of healing, naturally you consider nade in the combo which would simply neutralize trans by itself however, nanoblade is the interaction of both dragonblade and nanoboost, not always will you have the perfect set up which is the point of counterplay in question

If anything has a chance to stop nanoblade from slicing most of your team (Tanks don’t die to nanoblade and allies with full hp becomes harder to kill) is Transcendence, if you have an ana of your own pairing trans with your own nade makes it even better, that’s all

Um, he dashes instantly after and the burst kills any squishy.

I try to solo earthshatter him (if I have it) or charge and pray that it lands.

Otherwise… when I hear angry Japanese man screaming, I run.

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I’d rather he can’t swing through barriers… just position better if you want to kill them since he’s “high skill”.

You decide when to initiate nano blade, I am willing to bet high level teams don’t bother doing it until nade is off CD. It’s too good, especially if tanks turn to hit Genji.

I’m not high level, but even on my teams when we’re trying to coordinate nano blade, my Genji tells me to lead with nade. If there is a shield up, we wait for them to turn on him then splash.

let’s do some math then:

Genji’s dash is 50 dmg + nano it becomes 75, a single hit from dragonblade is 120 + nano it becomes 180

Dash + dragonblade + nano is a total of: 255

This could effectively kill you, however, transcendence isn’t delivered in chunks, you get healed constantly at a rate of 300 hp/s meaning that for ever milisecond the genji player doesn’t deal dmg you are effectively getting healed 30 hp/ms, it only takes 0.3 seconds for Trans to heal 90hp

I’m not saying it’s impossible however it’s not a button press kill and it does require quite a bit of finesse to pull off

It’s not that hard, I see it happen all the time lol.

Proven by what? A bunch of people whining in the forums?

its not. bastion can 1 shot squishies with his rockets. trans doesn’t matter.

lol genji has always been the first to be replaced in dive, you do realise that right?

he was replaced by sombra at the end of dive era, and any map with open air space he was replaced with pharah.

no they don’t. because they don’t have to be in melee distance to use their ult.

Maybe it’s just my elo but I see more nano blades get shut down and sent back to spawn than not. I usually am the thing shutting them down to be fair.

Though I have to admit, it’s pretty disheartening to see my full hp Zarya get deleted by a nano blade. 400 hp of pure tank, gone in an instant. All that charge and it couldn’t save her from the cyber weeb because nano gives so much damage resistance along with damage boost.

The damage resistance is my only real issue with the combo. If Widowmaker, Hanzo, or Reinhardt can’t one shot a squishy with their one shot abilities, then that’s a bit of a problem. To have so much resistance to damage you become essentially immune to one shot abilities and remain at 200 hp is just a bit much. I think nanoblade and nano in general would be in a better place overall with that adjustment and nothing else.

I say all this as someone who has been playing Ana for quite a few seasons now, even when she wasn’t the best pick. The damage resistance is more of an issue than the amp in damage. Even before the buff of giving healing with nano I would give it to someone for the reduced damage they took so I could keep them alive a bit longer to heal them up properly.

Good luck, people have talking about this since release. Blizzard do not care.

Like, it’s literally proven by now that Blizzard do not care. They have not cared ever since they started working on OWL.

But less effective vs it. Transcendence is generally better because it’s much easier to use AND blade’s overall damage doesn’t cut through the entire thing to still kill while trying to retreat.

I’d say its the speed. 50% extra speed ontop of his already highest base speed in the game (hammond only higher in an ability form, so I don’t count it in this scenario)

I mean, beyblade meta was so strong because of the speed from nano making death blossom unstoppable, from my understanding.

My fav thing about his Ult <3, that and Rocket Jump.

Recently had a game, Kings Row after capping second point. I asked my team, they bunch up under this lil window? (the one in the left tunnel after second point cap)

I Ulted, Rocket jumped through the window and KO’d 4 squishies then our Ana nano boosted me and I went sentry and mowed the rest of their team down. It was glorious.

Nanotank is a waste, our Ana was smart.

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It does - you boop Genji so he can’t kill you and get his dash reset. Simple.

Except when there are shields all over the place, and you basically NEED to direct hit. The splash damage in Overwatch has been a huge issue for a long time.

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Well yeah, that’s how his Ult works. Barriers should have been taken down before using the Ult of course and Orisa’s barrier is rarely an issue due to Rocket Jump.

It’s certainly not the most OP Ult but it’s uniqueness can really make it powerful on certain points in certain maps. Imagine a Ulting bastion dropping down from the sky near a flank he normally cant use. He makes it rain :sunglasses:

It is balanced, because you need “skill” as Genji to farm easy his ult on tanks and if he has his ult all he need to do is to press Q and shift.
