Stop Pretending 2 Ults Should Always Wipe

Nano on Tank Bastion, Visor, Blossom, Barrage, Noon and Bob don’t easily wipe. Are all hard countered by barriers and Matrix.

But Nano Blade? Not even Trance can save you from it because it just goes clean through barriers. Why do melee abilities pierce barriers? Is it a coincidence that the ONLY teamwipe combo we ever see is Nano Blade and NEVER any other combo? Graviton Dragonstrike got nerfed for this reason, and I’m sick of seeing a Genji that’s impossible to kill or even hit cut through everything because it instakills every squishy, takes 400HP to stop BEFORE heals are factored, is double jumping and dashing around too much to Sleep, Flash or Bash, and is simply way too consistent for initiations into a literal 1v6. You’d never even consider doing this with any other DPS ult for a reason.

Prove me wrong, no circumstantial or luck-based solutions allowed.


Boop da Genji bro.

Nano tank will end you as easily as Nano blade.


Blade and genji as a character is stacked,

Blade does everything.
Counter ult (you can use it w/nano to counter trance)
And he still has all of his old abilities


Its a proven fact Genji is Devs BFF.
So they will loverload his kit then say its balanced.

Nothing can be done, literally nothing will be done.


Have you ever considered that maybe you should get away from a nano Genji?


When nano blade occurs, spread out. His dash refreshes when he gets a kill, so if you’re all close together he can just burst through everyone and keep refreshing his dash delete combo.

Literally all you have to do is spread out and it screws up his murder combo.


Already had this conversation on another thread. Let me put this in perspective for u. Flash and fan on a discorded nano blade kills. Its not that hard to stop it. Lucio speed amp doesnt allow genji to get close, and any stun/cc basically eliminates all value.


If booping or flash bang actually worked nobody would be complaining.


you realise bastion with no nano does more damage than nano genji?

bastion can kill in tank form with no nano through trance. guess bastion is op now?

uh focus fire will murder a nano genji easily. I promise you this.

“I don’t have the skill to do it, therefor it is too hard”

seriously stop making these threads. Your anti genji sentiment is obviously from a place of bias.


Also, Lucio’s Sound Barrier is a much better deterrent to Nano Blade than Transcendence.

Pharah’s ultimate outdamages Transcendence’s healing, even without a damage boost.


No, cause Bastion ult is countered by basically everything in the world and has a solid channel time during which Bastion stands still. And technically Bastion doesnt kill through Trans cause Zen can block the rockets with it, as can everything in the game, from barriers to random obstacles in the world, and Bastion is pretty stationary during it.
Meanwhile Genji has insane mobility and can dice and slice through everything.

Yeah, 50% dmg taken reduction on a char that has 3 mobility options and instas 90% of the roster. Just focus him down, its easy.

Cool, let Genji do that but make him stand in one place and it can be blocked by shields and objects on the map. Also Genji can kill himself with it. Im all for this.


That’s a brilliant idea! Which heroes can outrun his Dash? And how shall I contribute to the fight when he inevitably wipes out the other 5 teammates that couldn’t escape?


Exaggeration doesn’t help your cause man.


Dude you can sound barrier and trans. 2 for 2; balanced.

You really hate Genji, my guys. He isn’t OP, it’s an objective fact. Literal statistics. He is fine.


That’s a LOT of circumstantial solutions! Let’s hope we have the exact right comp and everything isn’t on cooldown, and it all lands!

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Earth shatter the kid.

In this meta Earth Shatter charges fast af.

Then you have boops, stuns, mobility options making gaps, like…

It’s hard for me to be like “yo we have a 3/3 tank/support meta but THIS GENGU BLADE WE GOTTA NERF DAT.” Just… Wtf…

PepeHands, forum.


I will quote you on this here:

Oh you think I’m going to let you get away with it? No.

Road’s ult? Rein’s ult? Zarya’s ult? Just a single one of those ult can stop two strong ults.


Okay, now how about all the other double-ult combos that are shut down by basic abilities like barriers and Matrix? Just one ult is enough for every other combo, but we need two to neutralize Nano Blade? Why is that so special when I constantly shut down Nano Visor as Orisa without help?

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Not everything needs to be treated the same, imo. Either way, Dragonblade shouldn’t be nerfed based on it being combo’d with Nano.