Stop Making Mystery Heroes Permanent

I honestly think No Limits should be the permanent game mode cause…that was QP before QP because Comp Practice.

MH deserves its permanent tile. Any week without MH in the Arcade would be a week that I didn’t bother loot-boxing.

The mode still needs a bit of work. It can (and should) keep the Mystery aspect while being slightly less random. Tune the selections so that you’ll generally have at least one of tank/damage/support at all times. Eliminate duplicates. Allow some amount of ultimate meter to endure through hero swaps, so that “first team to get any ultimate” isn’t so often what determines victory. Then, it would be great.

Yesterday in one round of MH, my team had 3x Winston, 2x Moira, 1x Pharah, and we got the first ults. The other team had … whatever. Stuff. It didn’t matter. There’s no chance it was fun for them (not like I’m going to throw the match, though).

I suspect the number of additional persons who would play “slightly less random Mystery Heroes” is more than the number of “omg you ruined my beautiful random chaos” quitters.

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It was a nightmare when QP was “No Limits” 6 Torbs/Syms is amusing the first time but it gets old, fast.

It’s a perma-ignore for me on that mode, unless a new hero has been release (but even that’s pretty lame as well)

one big change I want is between rounds on control everyone gets a new hero. It keeps the random in and doesn’t allow a team to get another lockout if they were able to do it in the previous round


You get better team comps in MH than you do in quick play.


Pretty much. At least in MH you get tanks and healers more times in one round than you do in 10 rounds of QP. Also, you can’t one trick.

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Actually why isn’t this a thing? It’s an incredibly popular gamemode and the only real downside is it won’t give loot box wins anymore.

YEs! Make it Total Mayhem there is surely more love then for MH.

Honestly it would just be better if there was 2 daily rotation tabs.

:heart: Total Mayhem :heart:

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Just replying to something to bump this thread a bit.

It’s just popular, that’s all i think.

They tried to take it out off arcade once, people didn’t like that move. I think they should try again anyway. I believe lot of people want to play other modes again.

I don’t think that poll shows enough for you to make the argument that Mystery Heroes having a 7% lead over the next most popular mode is enough to make it permanent.

That’s only ~520 people.

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There was also a poll done by Jeff and it’s by far the most popular mode.

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What they may need to do is place the “goofy” modes all in one grab bag queue and the competitive arcade modes in their own as well. Then do a dedicated slot for a specific one from each queue rotation. That way everyone gets even turns of playing nothing but their favorite mode while also having a chance to play it otherwise.

Oh, of course you get better comps in MH than QP. I mean, I love it when my team is on defense and starts with 3 Zens, a Mercy, and 2 Genjis (yes, this happened yesterday).

Winning defense comp right there. And by “winning defense comp” I mean the team on offense that rolled an Orisa, 2 Winstons, a Zen, a Brigitte and McCree are going to roll right over that first defense point while laughing their collective rear end off.

@Araxen - what poll do you think I was referring to in my previous reply?

Am I the only one who’s literally only done MH maybe once when it came out and never touched it since?

Edit: Checked my profile, I’ve played MH a whopping 7 times and never touched it since, lol.

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Give me ranked mode for mistery heroes!


If it’s going to be permanent they should honestly move it out of Arcade, since Arcade is supposed to be for rotating game modes.

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It’s Unlikely Mystery Heroes will be removed/rotated out…and thank god(s).

Mystery Heroes is hands-down the best mode in the Arcade. So good, in fact, that when the Arcade was introduced, Mystery Heroes was a part of it, then after a week or two, they rotated it out and there were endless threads requesting Mystery Heroes be brought back as a permanent addition. Blizz heard the community, and it has been there ever since.

Of course there are people that don’t like the mode, but there are people out there that don’t like pizza, and they are just as wrong too. Just kidding of course, but it must be popular or else, like some of the other Arcade modes, it would take forever to find a match. But that’s not the case, you que for MH and you are in a match almost as fast as Quick Play.

Honestly, I don’t think MH should be removed for a few reasons beyond it’s obvious popularity, personally I used it as a teaching tool. Since you are essentially forced to play a random hero, it takes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to learn new characters. Which, yeah you can say you’re going to choose at random, but you usually stick to your comfort zone even if you don’t intend to. So it has it’s uses


Lol at people saying it’s the most popular. Well gee, of course it’s the most popular, since it’s always available for play, ie permanent

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Mystery heroes is my favorite mode in arcade and yes it is the most popular. It’s not just popular because it’s there. If people liked other modes they would play those more when they are available. Blizzard can see the statistics and they know what they are doing. Just because you don’t like the mode doesn’t mean it isn’t the most popular mode. I like the randomness and not having to worry about team comp and practicing different heroes. Players are generally less toxic because they don’t argue about picks and are usually less frustrated when the chips are down.


[quote] It’s Unlikely Mystery Heroes will be removed/rotated out…and thank god(s).
Mystery Heroes is hands-down the best mode in the Arcade. So good, in fact, that when the Arcade was introduced, Mystery Heroes was a part of it, then after a week or two, they rotated it out and there were endless threads requesting Mystery Heroes be brought back as a permanent addition. Blizz heard the community, and it has been there ever since.[/quote]

Maybe it’s time to reevaluate? A 7% win on a poll doesn’t make it seem as if MH is an overwhelming winner.

It doesn’t take any longer with 4x4 DM or Mayhem. Most I’ve had it take to find a match is a couple minutes, and that occasionally happens with MH too.

That’s a nice theory, but it doesn’t work well in practice because the circumstances you’re playing that hero in aren’t necessarily good for learning.

You don’t learn much when you roll a Genji and the other team has a couple Winstons. You just die. Ideally, when you’re learning a character you’d do so in a comp where you aren’t going to get instantly destroyed by your character’s counters.

I’ve learned a hero better playing 6v6 against the stupid computers.

And that assumes the picks are truly random, which I’m skeptical about. Oh, I bet in a large enough sample size they are… but I doubt individuals reach that sample size. I can’t remember the last time I’ve rolled Mercy. Or Soldier. Or a few others, but I get plenty of Torbs and Zaryas and Lucios.