Stop Making Mystery Heroes Permanent

This would show who the top god-flex players are for sure lol

Even less than i have played it!

Since it came out, i got tired of it really fast, and i’ve only played it with my friends. Partly because it’s like the only 6v6 Arcade mode available. (I wonder why people who dislike Mystery Heroes play it anyway :thinking: )

Last time i played it was probably before Retribution.


The Arcade Menu needs an overhaul in general tbh. If they feel it needs to be limited, fine, but not in the way it is now.

Add an ‘Event’ tab to the main ‘Play’ menu, like they did during Archives. Standard event modes like Lucioball, Snowball thing, Yeti Hunter and so on go there.

Now take all Competitive modes out of Arcade. Move those to ‘Competitive’ and just have a choice between standard or event or whatever other arcade mode, like the 3v3 we had for awhile. Event specific comp modes [like Lucioball] could sit in ‘Events’ if needed but I feel that anything competitive should be in the comp section.

Alright, now get rid of the giant “main” tile in Arcade. Split in 2. Now we have 6 tiles instead of 5.

Okay now decide which 5 should be permanent. I made a big post about my logic in this regard but basically I think ones that offer their own unique gameplay different from standard overwatch [as opposed to just “for fun” edits] deserve the perm spots and the rest should cycle daily in the 5th spot.

Now get rid of “arcade wins” as a concept and just make it “wins” in general across anything you queue for. No reason to force people into arcade who don’t want to be there. That’s why you see 5000 leavers in Lucioball the second anyone scores every other game.

I’d prefer if every mode was cycled instead. It gives more room for more modes than keeping anything permanently there.

Mystery heroes is far and away the most popular arcade mode. There are a lot of people who don’t play anything else.

I like it a lot myself. It’s a great opportunity to get to play really bad heroes or ones you really suck at without ruining the game for your team.

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I just want to point out that there are also lot of people who only play other arcade modes. For example, only play Total Mayhem and nothing else, yet their mode is available rarely, despite it’s the second most popular mode in the poll.

Well, total mayhem is pretty good. But all of the modes can’t be permanent…

I understand mystery heroes leads the other modes by quite a lot.

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Is Mystery Heroes the most popular because it is up all the time compared to the others or because people actually voted for it? Because people actually enjoy it?

And when do we get to vote again if it’s the latter? I never got to vote for anything!

I have nothing against MH except for the lack of freedom of choice, so I never play it. I prefer Total Mayhem, FFA, or even Low Gravity compared to all the others.

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I don’t think it used to be up all the time. I think people had to fight for that.

This is why i’d prefer if every mode was rotated.

It’s been available every single day since January 2017.

I really don’t understand why it’s popular or fun to begin with.
No seriously, how do people enjoy this crap?

Four of the five modes get rotated. Is it really such a big deal that the most popular mode gets to stick around?

There wouldn’t be such issue if modes rotated enough. Problems include:

  • Some of the most popular modes are available once a week if we are lucky
  • Some of the least popular modes are available more often than popular ones (according to the poll)
  • Some modes haven’t been available at all for over 20 days (Team Deathmach, 3v3 and 6v6 Elimination
  • Regular Capture the Flag hasn’t been available for over a month

With arcade having only 5 slots, permanent Mystery Heroes is looking more and more like statistical problem. As most popular mode, i’m fine with it being available most often, but especially during events, availability of every other mode is extremely lacking compared to Mystery and FFA.

There is absolutely zero chance that Blizzard doesn’t have all kinds of data on what game modes are played the most, and if MH wasn’t consistently pulling a significant proportion of players over other modes it wouldn’t be a permanent fixture, full stop.

And saying that it’s only the most played because it’s the only permanent mode isn’t a good argument, since Blizzard would be looking at how it performs against other modes when they come up in the rotation and not, like, total numbers at the end of the month.

If this is the case, i wonder why some of least popular modes according to the arcade poll are available more often than modes that are very clearly more popular?

Limited Duel and Low Gravity have been very common recently, despite poll clearly shows they are two least popular modes. Meanwhile, very popular Team Deathmatch hasn’t been available for several weeks.

I don’t think they are monitoring data enough.

But its not lol-----

Although it doesn’t seem the most fair to play (it’s probably not meant to be), it’s the fastest game mode. Get in and play, instead of having to wait on hero selection. I think this is a big part of why it’s so popular.

I should point out that unless you actually WIN while you’re playing those really bad heroes and heroes you suck at, you kind of are ruining the game for your team. Especially if they’re trying to get loot boxes.

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The messy team comps make them a lot more viable. I have had pretty good success with Torb, especially.

Sombra still sucks, but what are you going to do, really. It’s about the only way you can play her without being a jerk to teammates. Just suiciding on the enemy team to get a respawn is against the spirit of the mode anyway.

Yes. Especially during holiday events, since apparently they now feel they need 2 events per holiday. This means that 3 out of 5 modes are locked during holiday events. With a 4th slot only rotating weekly, this means you might only have 1 day out of the week where your favorite Arcade mode shows up to play, and it kinda sucks if you don’t happen to be able to play Overwatch that day.

People who like Mayhem specifically have been screwed over a lot too. It tends to show up in the weekly slot on a Monday night right before a holiday event is due to start or a patch to happen. Then they do the holiday start or patch Tuesday morning, and everything resets AGAIN, so Mayhem is usually gone.

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