Stop Making Mystery Heroes Permanent

I’m fine with anything as long as it fixes current issue: Regular CTF hasn’t been available for over a month, and Elimination modes / Team Deathmatch haven’t been available for over 20 days.

And other modes need some love too!


“This week only: No Competitive Mode. Next week: No Custom Servers. What? Just go play 3v3 Elimination or something…oops. That mode’s out this week. Have fun! And buy more lootboxes!”

You mean 2 bastions, 2 mercys and 2 Orisa?

Hate mystery heroes


Oh boy, things I CAN’T do…you know what…it actually makes sense for that to be a gamemode. I mean, I’d never touch it, but this nerf loving community would love it

That’s still a big ask considering it is the most popular arcade game mode. I don’t think it needs to lose its permanent status for the rest of the modes to be seen more regularly; the rest of the modes, the less popular ones specifically, can just be cycled predictably rather than randomly. Like on a set schedule. So if you like 4v4 for example, you always know you can play it on Mondays and Saturdays. And if Mayhem is your thing, make sure you jump in the arcade on Tuesdays and Fridays. I think if anything there should be a couple more permanent modes. One permanent XvX mode, whichever is the most popular, and a permanent FFA mode, along with Mystery Heroes. The rest should cycle daily rather than weekly and on a schedule you can set your clock to.

But I’m admittedly biased because MH is all I play, so I can understand your pov and do believe a better system could only improve the arcade.

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Tonight only (or so I hope): Esoterica takes a quote out of context and goes on to say incredibly idiotic things.

I don’t know why they insist on using a minimal windows 8 layout for arcade…they CAN fit every arcade mode on one screen and not have to rotate the available things every week


I wish you could retain ult charge after death.

I think their reasoning is that it spreads the player base out too much, Idk I can’t remember exactly what it said tbh I just remember thinking they could add more and seeing a response as to why they couldnt


I got good chuckle out of this, because it’s so true. :smile:

(I’m out of likes again, i’ll make sure to leave you one later.)

This is correct! That was more or less the reason.

Which is why i personally wish they would just rotate modes more often.


I think Blizzard is trying to tell us something by having that mode so prevalent

mistery heroes is a massive chore. last week i needed one victory for my last box, but after 8 defeats i gave up on it. this mode is a nightmare. and of course it’s the most played one, it’s permanent. that’s the point.

arcade and MH could do with some sort of overhaul. where is the harm in arcade having 2 or 3 more slots? and mistery heroes definitely shouldn’t have hero stacking. they could also make it so that there is always at least one healer, one tank and one dps on each team.

also, this:

if some of these changes could be applied, MH being permanent wouldn’t even bother me, to be honest.


This. In fact it’s the only mode I play because it’s usually the least toxic.


How else can I give you a chance to snark a reply and inflate your post count?

And you’re welcome.

I just wish they would bring back and introduce more arcade modes other than Death match. I’m glad to see Low Gravity making a comeback, but where’s “We’re all soldiers” or the 5 reins and lucio? Even All Doomfist was fun. The only time we get “new” arcade modes is during the events, and even then, they’re the same as last year’s.

Mystery Heroes is, in my opinion, the more straight forward, and less chaotic mode, which is why it’s the most popular one. It’s the most reliable mode to earn your lootboxes. Mayhem is 20 minutes of struggling to get EMP while avoiding stuns. Death matches are a hassle because the maps aren’t built for the mode (except for the two made for them, obviously). It’s no wonder MH is popular.


Mystery and all forms of FFA combined are both significantly more popular than everything else and it isn’t even close.

Honestly speaking, they should put up dual-slot squares rather than waste 2 slots out of 5 for arcade. Kinda similarly to how they did the Archives event.

That way you can click, let’s say, Lucioball QP // Comp from only 1 slot leading you to a sub-menu to pick one or the other. The same should be applied to FFA/TDM modes that are often in the 5 arcade slots, that way u can click FFA or TDM from only 1 arcade slot. This would open up for more arcade variety with modes that appear not so frequently (e.g. low gravity or even ctf).

Honestly since we all know Mystery Heroes is permanent, why don’t we give it a nice little spot next to Quickplay. That way everyone can still play it, yet it doesn’t clog up a spot in the arcade.


It’s crazy to think but people actually have different opinions on what is good or bad.

Mystery Hero is where I spend 99% of my time when I play Overwatch and I know that I’m not alone in this. Take it away and there is no reason to play.

As someone mentioned earlier IF ANYTHING it should be taken out of Arcade and given its own slot on the main “play” menu. OR BETTER YET make a whole Mystery section, for Mystery Hero, Mystery FFA and Mystery 1v1 (or other Mystery variants on arcade modes)


I agree, Mystery Heroes used to be my favorite gametype but now I’m done getting weak teams. I’d win every week’s lootboxes if I could play Team Deathmatch or even the good old Brawl mode but it’s always stressful games like FFA Deathmatch, Elimination or worst of all (to me) 1v1.

At least in All Brawl you had enough variety of gametypes to make each games interesting