Stop lying about Reinhardt

Reinhardt doesn’t feel good to play because he has to take cover and play corners 90% of the game to be playable. No other tank needs to utilize corners and cover points as much as Reinhardt. His shield depletes as soon as it gets put up. He’s very easy to counter and his mobility to go after heroes like tracer and sombra is non-existent (both of them are played in every match if you haven’t noticed).

I don’t think you play Reinhardt if you really believe he has absurd survivability. And asking for a nerf to his shield, definitely confirms that.


I’d argue that in terms of tierlisting on the basis of:

  • Fun to play as
  • Fun to play with
  • Fun to play against

Reinhardt should be high tier.

And that the goal should be ordering pickrate tierlists based on that criteria of “Maximizing Fun”.

How so? I’m genuinely confused when I see comments like this. How is the least mobile tank in the game, with the most number of counters, the most obnoxious character to play against?


To be fair, there are a few tanks with less mobility. Ironically most of his counters… But I digress, I cannot understand how anyone struggles to play against a punching bag either. It is like, lil bro, stop letting him swing his hammer at your skull! Back up, homie.

That’s the secret right there. Forbidden knowledge.



These chuds try to 1v1 a rein on Winston and think rein is op

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No can do. Must w+m1 into their tank at all times


Rein is only good if you have cooperative supports

you need a lucio who isn’t the reddit variety to speed you in and out

and you need a high HPS healer to wiggle between your buttcheeks and keep you topped up

rien is really good at stalling for time and punishing bad playing, but if the enemy team doesnt make a mistake there is usually very little a rien can do to make plays or even apply pressure, he underperforms in any playmaking compared to every other tank except maybe ball who can get super shut down by cc regardless of skill. rien isnt bad he just doesnt feel very involved in fight and is usually just sitting there tanking damage which is good for his team but the rien doesnt get to do much himself.

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Funny enough, I just put the data together on the top 500 in NA.

Rein is the most 1-tricked tank. There’s 16 Rein 1-tricks in top 500.

He’s got the 5th highest pick rate overall, but is the 4th most mained.


I mean he is decent, but rough to play against any mobile heroes at all. Since armor and Orisa got nerfed, he is a decent option in a bit more occasions but thats really it.

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Dive counters rein pretty hard, easy to play around. What can rein do against doom/ball/tracer/genji?

If rush is in, rein is eating well.

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You can flex and look pretty.


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Rein is gramps bro :smile:

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I don’t about ana but zarya was why I lived as rein in ow1 :joy: we did some of the best fights together.

Diffing enemy rein zarya in a small room in kingrow and stomping their team was the best highs.

Doesn’t sound like the hero I chose to play sorry :pensive:

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Rein is good against a team that don’t commit to either breaking the shield or circumventing the shield. Mei and Tracer is good against him, or Hanzo and Soldier are good against him, but you often have DPS who are not on the same page so the shield never quite gets broken and in the meantime he runs over the tank and supports (who didn’t use high ground).


I absolutely agree. The easiest games are the ones where people do not shoot at me. You just cannot make it up!

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It’s just for most ranks and majority of playerbase teams will do that when you go rein.

A team that looked scattered will become a lot more cohesive.
People know to play around the big dude.
Reinhardt is a certain kinda commitment to a thing and generally is more trusted than any other tank.
He is predictable to his team which makes playing with him easy.

Rein doesn’t win by killing others , he win by being the one who will take all the attention and get beaten up but get back up and still be there standing freeing up your team.

Cause here is the other scenario if the enemy team ignores rein they are in for a world of hurt he is not Orissa at any moment he can take people out.

Rein wins by existing and enabling others.

Rein has always been good, but reliant on his team. Why play Rein when you can play Orisa or Mauga and do the same but also play your team’s part yourself? I can defend my team with Reinhardt, but I can also beam enemy players from across the map with Orisa and a dead enemy is no threath at all. And well, if you thought Orisa can’t dive and defend as well as Reinhardt… Big surprise, she can also do that.