Stop lying about Reinhardt

My issue isnt that Rein hard is bad, but that alot of heroes/maps make him unfun.

Rein is a fairly immobile tank, which is fine, however new heroes and reworks have had the trend to have alot of mobility or CC or just have soft or hard counters to rein.

Like the only new hero I dont dislike is LW as grip does help rein with his lack of mobility, but even then LW still has some soft counters to rein like pulling people out of charge or shatter.

It just feels like with every new hero and rework rein becomes less and less fun to play.


It’s not that he’s bad per se. It’s that it’s just not fun to play him anymore. If you’re doing decent you get counterswapped instantly and in the mirrors it’s just which team has the better pressure or supports wins. shatters don’t kill anything due to suzu, lamps, speedboost etc. . you get hit by every single cooldown in the game and there’s little to no mindgames. It’s just a big chunky shield and oversustain that makes him viable right now and him denying other players, but other then that… his skill floor is much higher now and that makes playing him boring but that also applies to other tanks.

That’s very true, but Sigma, and Orisa will command attention and enable others pretty well too. In fact, I think Sigma’s better at it due to two defensive CDs including a DM that gives him health back which will allow him to play range.

I feel like Reinhardt’s core “thing” is just done better by other tanks, and that does put him in a poor spot, but as far as the topic is concerned, its just gaslighting to say he’s completely unplayable.

Rein’s core thing is to have shatter damn near every fight.

But generally the person playing rein will be aggressive when needed sometimes too much but that’s alright, the biggest gripe i have with sigma orissa are they press S too much. Sure there are many mains that play them aggressively, but due to these two tanks being fall back picks often people swapping to them L so hard.

Were as rein its a rein main, you know he is going in somehow.

This is the reason he is liked a lot by other role players atleast till mid ranks.

These two tanks may do things better than rein’s kit but they dont have enough of playerbase with the heart to do that.

Rein maybe not the best kit but the players who play him wont lack intent.

Highest winrate could mean the character isn’t used as often. My case with Hwoarang being at 100% wins. Guess what. I used him in exactly 1 ranked game.

Could be the same case here. If Reinhardt isnt as popular, he wontbbenpickrdes as often.

Could but it isn’t I addressed this earlier. Reins pick rate is about average