Stop lying about Reinhardt

Reinhardt is a GREAT Tank and has been for quite some time. It’s already well known that rein has one of the highest win rates in the metal ranks but little do people know he also has a top 3 win% up until GRANDMASTER! (idk about champ or top 500 nor should I care). I simply don’t understand the gaslighting of praising Rein saying he’s so so sooo bad but the game is sooo good when he’s meta yet what makes Orisa good is EXACTLY what makes rein good; absurd survivability. Please stop lying about Rein bro is great definitely needs a nerf imo 1400 sheild is nonsense


yeah. Rein has literally been the best tank in the game since always.
Just because he doesn’t fit in the pro meta bubble doesn’t mean he is bad.


Now I don’t know about best or anything, but people certainly like to overstate how bad Rein is

Methinks those players had a Zarya bubble and Ana on them at all times during OW1


I don’t think he is bad, just feels bad. at some point I believe they clarified that he had a ~56% WR in a director’s take but didn’t feel like they had to nerf him


Now is not any different. You still get ana and he is still the most tackiest of tanks (that doesn’t run around the map doing nothing 24/7)

The Zarya bubble made a big difference in how brainless you were allowed to be though, which is why I think people like to call Rein unusable now. Because you have to use your brain.

He was C tier in S9. He’s good now
275hp Zen got nerfed. Horse got nerfed.
Rein got fire strike and shatter buffs

I agree with that but I also think not much has changed because he has to deal with 1 less tank as well with is totally doable without bubble.

You have to be really high rank to punish a good Reinhart and even then, if your team is coordinated and in coms, he can be viable even at that level. Of course, there are easier tanks at that level as well, that is why he isn’t meta.

This is exactly what I’m talking about and is blatantly a lie. Rein in season 9 had a top 3 win rate in ALL ranks except GM. Rein is really good and has been really good for awhile now

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As I’ve said before, its not that Reinhardt is unplayable. Its just that he needs an entire team to play around his playstyle to succeed while other tanks have way more leeway.

It really shouldn’t be that way, but literally any hero in the game is playable. Even the likes of Sym. If you lock sym and get pocketed for the whole game and still lose, that’s a skill issue.

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And orisa had bottom 3 win rate but was S tier. Win rate isn’t even that accurate and doesn’t predict which heroes are meta or trash that well either. Ana had bottom 3 win rate in GM all the while she was meta. Hog has bottom 3 win rate. Was hog trash in S2 with one shot?
Lucio and brig must be the most op supports ever in OW2 going by win rates


Rein is like Dva or Winston x100, being that you have to play 10x better than the enemy tank to get the same results, why pick them when Mauga or Sigma or Orisa can do it with 10x less efffort and skill?


Ain’t nobody out here lying about Rein. They blame them for playing badly, not because they’re Rein. They just say “Rein” because that’s the character they’re on

Bro wtf​:joy::joy: yeah it does NOT work in reverse?!? “I know this character has a top 3 (top 2 in diamond and masters I think) win rate in 6/7 ranks but actually they’re still a bad character” like what are you on? Mind you this is NOT like a Sym situation where the win rate is inflated by a super low pick rate Rein has a respectable win rate across most ranks so again what’s your point?

How can you care about GM tank but not top500? There are still probably Masters tanks in top500.

lowkey rein is the most obnoxious character to play against rn

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He literally is the one tank with the MOST telegraphed playstyle ever, bait his charge and rekt him, its that easy, Rein hasnt been good since like halfway through Overwatch 1. Literally any poke tank will poop on him consistently without trying.

Reinhardt is pretty decent… When nobody counterpicks you. The reality is that you will never play a game without Orisa, Rammatra, Pharah, Bastion, Zen, or Ana showing up and severely limiting your options. Often you will play against at least three of them. In fact, my winrate with Reinhardt is higher than usual BECAUSE these clowns genuinely use that many resources to mitigate the value of a melee hero in a first person shooter. Their stupidity does not make Reinhardt a good hero just because people can carry against that cringe while everyone tries to break the record on how fast they can kill you.

The only thing about Rein tanks ive never like much is his adaptability he cant really change his play style as much as few other tanks. Ram has shields and nemesis form and can poke when needed. Rein just tends to have his shield and can slowly push if you remove his shield though he struggles. Doom says who cares about your shield and charges behind it attacking you from behind and blocking so you have to pick where to plant it. Sure he can still charge away and hide but hes most of the time so reliant on his shield and suffers when its been depleted.