Stop ignoring sombra

That broken ability you speak of was-and still is- easily broken by a single graze. Just one. So, even DVA from the other side of the map was a threat (and still is) Each graze put it on a brief cooldown (yes, there was already a cooldown. No, you could not “spam” it during a fight. That would just lead to your death without having done anything meaningful). All anyone who didn’t like playing against her had to do was watch a 60-second video detailing Sombra’s very exploitable weaknesses. Weaknesses that have been made worse with no compensation. A mere two weeks after some slight buffs. That is why we are mad.

You are right that we aren’t going to see eye-to-eye, so have a nice day.

Wny would you call me a liar? I would appreciate a explanation

It was in response to the notion that hacks could be spammed. I honestly do not know, and had to re-read that post several times. That part was the only thing I could see being the reason and I was probably seeing too much red (from all the literal lies coming from non-sombra players who have nothing to point to say that she is OP, like her damage output, culminating in my favorite hero in any game being nerfed to the ground while never having a chance to prove herself) to see that I misunderstood the context. I am sorry.

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Shoot her

Shoot her

(Fun fact: this was before her latest nerfs. You know, those two weeks when her hacks were deemed “unstoppable.”)

(Another fun fact: bastion got hacked during the duration in which he was missing his shots, so getting hacked was 100 percent Bastion’s fault.)

Yep, and she died anyway.

Also, she’s EXTREMELY loud!

But still, do we really need that, or problems are caused by the bugs?
Hmm, guess it’s both xd

That kinda reminded me one match, when I won against Bastion as Hog xd

I’m sorry but the reason buffs for Sombra are widely ignored is because she is the definition of UNFUN.

She is THE counter hero. She can practically counter everyone besides Pharah. She can literally find any player in the game and troll them for entire matches by hacking them countless amounts of times.
She has a really wonderful ability to hack enemies .2 seconds before they can use their ults and render game winning results by shutting everyone out of their abilities.

Overall…I can’t hate on Sombra too much, because IMO she seems much less annoying than Brigitte/Hanzo comp. However, she is in a weird spot right now. If she was buffed, it could be catastrophic to the balance of the game. Nobody likes being hacked over and over and over for an entire game.

Some players still manage to do great with Sombra, and her ultimate can still win team fights with good timing and synergy. Her damage isn’t bad at all…and overall with a competent team she CAN be utilized quite well in her current state.

Some QoL changes and bug fixes won’t hurt.

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No one’s even asking for buffs. Just to fix these freaking bugs (and there are 10+ bugs with variations of each) that are making her completely inconsistent, clunky, and trashy.

And they won’t even acknowledge that. “Keeping a close eye” means allowing Sombra to be SCREWED with bugs for this long?..

Fitzy and WorstSombra highlight these bugs.

We just want her bugs fixed. That’s all. This garbage nerf they put onto live without even testing on PTR introduced bugs on top of the ones she’s had since release.

Meanwhile, Hanzo - who is ACTUALLY overpowered and overtuned, and is statistically mandatory to play in competitive in higher ranks, gets a tiny slap-on-the-wrist nerf that was tested on PTR before being put on live.



I can completely understand wanting some of the bugs fixed on Sombra. I’m all for bug fixes. Sadly, she’s at the same state Doomfist is in regarding bugs. They are too busy doing other things to even consider bug fixes most of the time. Especially with the mess of buffs they just dished out to Hanzo (who is currently the only dps anyone wants to play). Reminds me of the D.Va black screen issue…it stayed in the game for nearly a year before they managed to devote time to fix it.

Doomfist has actually had dozens of bug fixes.

Sombra has had…two.


Sombra is actually a very good Phara counter and the best Phamercy counter. just hack her and she drops down where everyone can assist her down.

If you get hacked non stop it’s your fault because you have no clue what to do against a Sombra. It is easy to avoid hacks for a lot of heroes. But i asume you are talking about the Genjis and Doomfists who just refuse to switch after they are hard countered.

It takes a lot of skill to hack people in exactly the right moment without getting interrupted to shut down a devastating ult … sorry for not being Brigitte.

Absolutly. But if 90% of the community consider Sombra a troll pick and throw games or tilt something can’t be right.

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Speak for yourself, I want buffs.

I believe when people were writing about Sombra’s bugs, there were dozens as well. Hack itself has at least two common-not-so-common bugs (LoS lost, empty hack) and still annoying bug with Translocator which occasionally may result in your death while teleporting. Oh, and sometimes Translocator vanishes.

A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #15 by Xaron-1831 basically all of these.

If she’s this powerful, how come her peak pick rate in her lifetime was >5%? Pretty sure it was 2-3% can’t remember exactly

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Yeah buff anything other than her hack it’s just too powerful when she hacks everyone without any counterplay

Sombra is really hard to balance she can instantly escape all the time so it’s very hard to punish her

She even has stealth to go anywhere she wants without anyone seeing her

Any wrong Buffs make her hard to play againts

She can counter a lot of heroes, but not on her own, she needs help with that, and usually no one wants to help you :frowning:


It’s not really countering when it’s 2v1.