Stop ignoring sombra

Okay, well the majority of people want Sombra fixes for now before we proceed with anything else.

And it’s not wrong to want buffs, either, so don’t think this is me saying “lol you’re wrong” - I just know that the majority of Sombra mains want her to have her fixes first and foremost before anything else, and the majority of threads made are complaining about her bugs.


Sombra’s escape ability is honestly kind of overrated. The problem is that unless she puts it very close to the fight, it takes her out of action for a while when she retreats. So if you chase her away, that’s basically a win. People over-obsess about killing Sombra, but really all you need to do is survive the engagement without her killing anyone and it’s a win for your team. Yes, she’s annoying, that’s what she’s designed to be, but if she kills no one, your healer takes a second to restore any small damage she did and you move on. It’s really not a big deal.

It’s much less of a threat than Tracer who, when she teleports, basically stays in the fight as a persistent threat. Sombra teleports without a kill, its basically admitting defeat in the engagement and retreating. She’s giving up the point, she’s out of the fight for a while, it’s a win for your team. I swear some people just obsess too much over kill/death ratio. This isn’t a game about kills, it’s a game about claiming territory. Being able to retreat at will isn’t all that big of an advantage.


I am so angry at “well will see that she lands in a good place”, Blizzard if you dont want her just delet her so we can stop giving a f about her.

Unless suddenly someone from the pros will say “I like Sombra”, she will be forever nowhere.

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You meant like every other hero in the game?

I don’t see the problem there. That is only possible against a team that isn’t paying attention to their surroundings.

“Rendering game-winning results” depends on whether her team follows up. You are making it seem like she can do it on her own. EMP is the ultimate most dependent on one’s teammates.

What you like does not matter, nor should it. Only whether it is balanced. Your only metric for Sombra being “catastrophic” is your dislike of being hacked, which is a terrible reason. Not surprising though because detractors have nothing else to point to possibly paint Sombra as being over-powered.

I especially find baffling the logic that six seconds of no abilities is in any way worse than 10 seconds of no life (and abilities), plus another 20 seconds just running back to the fight.

Like every other ultimate in the game?

False. She stands at 160, the lowest sustained damage of all the offense heroes by a wide margin, with no abilities she can use in combat to further boost her damage, such as helix rocket or flash bang. She also had zero burst damage potential, a la Doomfist. Her mobility, which should be a trade-off, is conditional and easily countered, so there is no actual trade-off for her low damage output.

You know what other hero can be used well? Every other hero. Every single one. This isn’t unique to Sombra. This is a false argument to make her not seem weak that detractors love to bring up for some reason.


This guy gets it. Making someone unable to fight is the same as killing them. Everyone complains about not being able to kill Sombra and having to waste time tracking her down when simply making her run away accomplishes the same thing.


sombra is not ignored.
She is monitored closely by the dev. to make sure that no one can hack…

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Lol 31 hours doesn’t make you a “Sombra main.”

I have 90+ hours on Mercy and 60+ on Symmetra, am I not a Symmercy main?
Do I not flex D.Va at around 50 or more hours?

And yet every day in the Sombra threads we see people going “Well, Sombra is so powerful because she can port out after every encounter and heal up. Basically immortal”…

Since Sombra never saw real play in a meta people just never learned how she works and make outrageous claims based on nothing.


Plus, if Sombra needs to teleport out and heal often the time until she returns is very similar to respawn time. At the moment I don’t think there’s a huge amount of difference between killing/chasing away a Sombra in terms of time and therefore damage potential.


ahem hacking dva mech as she ulted actually resulted in a hack of the mech, not the baby dva. it did sweet FA.

Yep, and the fact is it used to benefit her if she’d both dealt some damage and taken about half health. Now it just benefits the enemy team, yet she’s meant to be able to stay behind enemy lines sneaking around and dealing damage.

You missed the fact that her mobility is bugged AF too!

And of course, every hero definitely can be unfun - I’ll tell you what’s really unfun, and yet the community seems intent on keeping it that way; hanzo’s insta-kill BS. He’s almost hitscan now with the same damage. How is that balanced? yet people complain about being hacked. I’m sorry, but it’s not exactly easy to get a hack off right now, and even before the mega-nerf (thanks to the bugs it revealed, that the devs were already aware of, quite clearly going by their comments on the LOS mechanic) it could be difficult still, because people have the ability to react incredibly quickly. The number of times I’ve seen reinhardts instantly adjust their barriers to cover an extra angle and still protect themself and the team in order to break hacks as they begin, makes a meme out of that original statement. I remember watching fitzy a ton noticing the same thing and often making the joke ‘they can’t react in time!’

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Bugs that stop the core part of her kit; the entire reason for playing a specific hero, from being effective, are definitely to be taken into account with balancing.

For sure, Reinhardt has a number of bugs, but he’s not unplayable as a result of them. Sombra on the other hand, these issues can cost you a match.


Sadly, no Sombra’s bugs were fixed on PTR.

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Were we really expecting something from Blizzard?

You can always hope xd

Benefit of a doubt: They are all hard at work with reworking sym that they have not have time to work on sombra. Next update, for sure (…)

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To me, Sombra is the epitome of a badly designed video game character, especially considering the environment she is in.