Stop demanding sym reworks

The kit is the problem. What is so hard to understand? She needs an Orisa kind of rework that changes how she plays. With the current kit she has no place in OW2.

Ok and? fix the current kit, stop changing sym. other heroes have been changed yes but sym has been changed time and time again just fix her current kit and let it rest. stop demanding sym be reworked whenever she slightly under-preforms. just because she’s somewhat weak doesn’t mean she needs to be reworked AGAIN. we don’t need a sym 4.0!

Her current kit does not work! Please read the comment again! Builders do not work in OW2. Torb can fire and forget the turret but Sym revolves around it so that she cant do anything else. Thats why the weapon is so weak. Get rid of it.

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And I shall remind you that is entirely YOUR Opinion! Sym and Torb are very viable in ow1 and so will be in ow2. Ow isn’t a mobile game, its fast pace still can be very static and slow. sym and torb are defensive heroes and excel at defense. if they’re not working its nothing a buff to their kits won’t fix. a soft rework towards sym 3.0 to make the current kit stronger will be a sufficient fix to the problem. she doesn’t need to be broken down and rebuilt from scratch again. stop demanding sym be reworked completely the minute she under-preforms, just because she’s not in a good spot does not mean she needs a complete rework.

Turrets are set and forget as well… You just have to play close to them. Torb’s turret works at 40 yards though. They also nerfed her turrets in beta. So they could just as easily revert the snare and she will get more ticks and slower enemies means an easier target for kills.

They buffed the turret projectile speed, which was stupid in a way. Since you get the most value when they are up. Not a slightly faster launch rate, the slower rate was actually helpful for blocking shots and abilities.

Sym is great right now in OW2 even with her nerfs. It’s weird how many Sym players carry some idealized version of her in their heads, a version that probably never existed. I think she gained a big following when her auto-lock-on super beam was able to easily melt people in lower-ranked games and some of them still haven’t adjusted years later to having to aim. Or strategize with the TP instead of just hide it somewhere and forget about it. She’s much more involved now and more powerful and flexible for it.


And so is yours to balance her around that dead kit 20 times. You really think they will get it right with the current kit? I dont.

Yes but, how usefull are her turrets in high elo?

that’s your subjective opinion. her current kit would work fine with a little adjusting. the kit isn’t dead btw.

To be fair most thing aren’t useful in high elo.

I’d actually adore it if they reworked Sym into a DPS instead of an anaemic taxi bot.

To be fair to certain development, I don’t think it’s a lack of ideas or good ideas. Hell, even the forums have posted literally hundreds of ideas for Sym, some excellent. I think it’s the higher ups who don’t want heroes like her to be stronger than heroes like McMeme, Hanzo, Ashe, and Soldier. I feel like that’s really it. Sym was strong for literally a week after they patched a longstanding beam bug that made damage lower than intended, and that nerf came fast and hard. But you have skilless things like Flash, FTH, air/shieldRoll, and Storm Arrows (with recently added bounce!) in or added in which feels culturally tone deaf to the rest of the game.

I assume some jerk higher-up says ‘low ttk, more FPS, less MOBA cause we need those Codbro $$s’ so those heroes get pandered to and spoiled, and Sym gets what we see and complain about. The sad part is if Codbros wanted to play Cod or Valorant or whatever they’ve already swapped over, Blizzard needs to have a little confidence in their vision and game. People play OW because it’s specifically not COD or Valorant. I’m personally not asking for MOBA heroes to outshine mid-long range hitscanny ones, I just want something like Junkrat to be equally as viable as a hero like Soldier, with even playtime and winrates across all tiers including OWL.

Getting reworked multiple times doesn’t mean the current design is good.
At the end of the day a hero’s kit needs to be viable but at the same time also combine well with the rest of its kit.

For example Junkrat’s trap works amazingly with his mine to create a kill combo or Lucio’s speed with boop to mess enemies aim.

But for Symmetra it isn’t the case… She’s very easy to counter and her abilities don’t synergies too well with themselves. Turrets slow enemies and primary fire works really well on that aspect, but her secondary and/or teleport don’t let that aspect shine… Same can be said about her turrets + teleport combo that can be nice flanking tool but have noting to do with the rest of her kit…

And that’s without talking about normal balance problems like slow kit or lack of commit to any range…
I just don’t see any real reason the current version we have is good as is and so, I do believe most players are right for wanting a rework. What’s the point of a broken design if it can just hurt the players.

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I liked support heal sym from the experimental a while back. Make that a new hero with viable numbers.

I think she’s doing well up there. I’m in masters on all three roles and I still see her used quite frequently. We don’t use her turrets to deal a bunch of damage, though. They’re just meant for area denial or to make people have to briefly take their focus off what they’re doing to destroy them. Getting the tank to turn around coming through a choke does a lot even if the turrets don’t deal a bunch of damage. They can be strong to quickly throw around a contested point, too. That’s the only time I ever really see turret kills happen.


I don’t. I’ve been destroyed by every character at some point, including D tier Bastion. People can be good at weak characters that doesn’t mean they’re not in need of changes.

Some characters are okay but need value tweaks, but Sym’s turrets are not viable. Even in OW1 her pick rate plummets after bronze but gets worse with each rank, and that’s in live.

She is beyond simple value fixes, her turrets don’t work.

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She’s… “great” right now in ow2? Lol. Literally everything you said is wrong… except possibly that she gained some of her fanbase when she had her old beam.

She’s literally less flexible now both due to orb and tp changes… so I really don’t see how she’s somehow “more flexible”.

How do you explain practically every top Sym disliking the changes? Just based on your comment you’re making it seem like the only reason one would dislike the changes is because you can’t aim/don’t know how to strategize with tp.

Just give her back all her old stuff.
Tractor beam lock on
6 turrets faster travel like it is now
big ball 120 dmg faster travel like it is now
tp where its is now
boom fixed might be smudge OP but hey its Overwatch

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that actually sounds good. a nice mix the previous 3 versions, I like it.

If your only argument for no new rework is that she already got reworked…that’s a terrible argument.


nah its a very good argument, she’s been changes so many times already let it go man. Pick a land already!

No it’s not, it’s the literal definition of Sunk Cost Fallacy. Just because something has been changed a lot does not mean it shouldn’t be changed ever again.

Sym deserves to be a fun, fluid, viable hero. If a rework accomplishes that, then it’s a good choice.

Leaving her in a bad and clunky and archaic state because she’s already been changed several times is not fair to the hero at all.