Stop demanding sym reworks

And then OW2 happened lol.

I figure “In a land without offtanks, the psuedo-offtank is Queen”.

For real, have you tried using Mei in OW2.

She both shuts down deathball comps, and enabled them.

Played against a Mei yesterday, I was on Zarya. I got walled, then both Junker Queen and Lucio slammed on speed boost and I got rushed.

Mix in a few solo-ults when my bubble was off (and then for whatever dumb reason I picked Rein into that).

If we pretty brutal.

Other than that she can oneshot Tracer, cancel Sombra hacks, and attack through Genji deflect.

She can convince Snipers / Pharahs to back off, and kill Torb turrets.

And Winston/ can’t move around much without their mobility skill when Mei is up.

Like she isn’t that great vs Doom or Ball. But otherwise she’s pretty great.

If anything, the biggest thing I want for Mei is leftclick icicles, without screwing up my icewall cancel/confirm buttons.

Beta 1 yes, not beta 2 since Blizz decided I’m not worthy to play. She sucks. That was about 20 hours of non-stop playing her. I was getting significantly more value playing battle mercy than I was Mei (this is not an exaggeration). Nerfing both abilities that you pick Mei for while nerfing her ultimate so she can do Hanzo left click damage at limited range with no 1 shot headshot on a projectile beam and have more ammo to not kill enemies longer.

A skill shot that is inconsistent at best against good Tracers.

When she can hack from stealth, it really doesn’t matter. Also most other heroes can do this better since they are either hitscan or their projectiles go both further and faster than Mei’s freeze.

Which means nothing because he can burst you down so fast that he doesn’t even need to deflect against you. Her power in doing this was nullified the second he got the ability to deflect cancel as this used to be why Mei could counter Genji.

Mei was good VS widow with 175hp since with Mercy dmg she could 1 shot her anywhere on the map, with that gone you are just going to get domed trying to duel a widow and if you don’t, that’s more because the enemy widow sucks rather than Mei being actually decent.

Just no on so many levels. Any hitscan does this better and easier. Hanzo also does more damage and has the benefit of potentially 1 shotting her. Torb has an auto turret.

I can count on one hand the number of Torbs I have actually seen. While she is good at this, it hardly offsets the barrage of nerfs she got in ow2 off the back of 12 back to back nerfs in ow1. is so bad noone is even picking her and I very rarely saw a monkey in BETA 1 and his health pool was so big it didn’t matter. Generally, focusing tanks was essentially throwing since their survivability was too high. And since monkey is a tank that can jump away from her neutered wall monkey is actually a strong pick vs a Mei.

You can fix Sym with her current kit extremely easily and with no need to rework anything.

Blizz doesnt do it not because they dont know how, but because they value their sacred cow idea of cooldown ability team TP too much to care about how it breaks Sym or admit how much they have nerfed her to keep it in the game.

Honestly, its because people dont want sweeping changes to her kit. She exists to fill a weirdly specific niche and theyve kept her in that niche. If you want a good rework for her youd basically have to accept that shes going to get the Orisa treatment.

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Its funny you say this because she literally does not have the same role that she had previous to the 3.0 rework.

And the thing is you dont even need giant, sweeping changes. You just need to stop nerfing her around the organized teams gimmick. Remove said gimmick, revert every single nerf that has been done in its name, further buff her and ta-da, you have fixed Sym with just number changes.

Those kind of opinions asking for sweeping changes stink to ‘remove sentries because I died to them once’.

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Sym’s base kit doesn’t work though.

I’m hoping they go through with the beam starting up faster and then ofc with the reverted stuff she becomes how she was in ow1 which was if you play her well and know how she works it’ll show that’s why I have a 62% WR on her

Every hero should not work fine in every scenario that’s why most heroes have a counter and She works pretty decently in ow1 IMO the only thing that destroys her is one less tank and less shields so her weapon is now useless

If she truly needed a rework she woulda had another one by now the reason she got her first one was the giving shields wasn’t working and the second time was nobody was gonna chose someone with her quit when role queue came out so moving her to dps was the next best option

She honestly needs some tweaks and I hope they leave her alone for a while

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Im all for Sym rework, playing against Sym is just annoying.

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ok and? its time to stop with the reworks. its time to stop okay? No More!

Okay then leave her as is and she’ll never work.

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i would play mei more if they gave her those ice skates from that long time ago experimental

or you know, balance changes can be made to her Current kit not requiring a complete rework.

I don’t think there’s a magic number to hit. I think her kit on a basic philosophical level does not work for 5v5. I don’t think it worked for 6v6 either, but I think it’s even worse now. Static turrets in a high mobility game is bad design.

To each their own, but I won’t stop suggesting a rework just because you don’t like it.


They should have just left her at 2.0, she was so cool and unique. Current Sym is just lame. She might have fallen behind at grandmaster level but doubt any of her mains really cared, she was fun and different.


by your logic torb would need a complete rework too. and high mobility game? this game can be as static as a snail sometimes.



I said more!

Torb has a way to repair his turret, it requires more than breathing on it to destroy it, and it has actual range.

That said though I do think he’ll struggle, just nowhere near as much.

Sym was reworked multiple times yes but they still did not get it right. The trick is really to rework her and not to switch abilities around.

Remove teleport and senties and go from there. Thats the only part of her kit that was ALWAYS a problem.


i think you misunderstand sym’s play style. she specialized is choke defense and her turrets whilst weak can be placed pretty much anywhere and can be teleported with he teleporter. they also deal decent damage for what they are. I’ve had games where sym destroys the enemy team.

No! No More Reworks! ITS TIME TO STOP!!! Focus on fixing her current kit and stop trying to completely rework her! enough of the sym reworks!!!