Stop complaining about one shots

“Hanzo and Widow are FINE. They’ve been in the game for almost 10 years and you’ve all had nearly 10 years to adjust to them.”

“They just need to be placed back in the format they were CREATED for.”

So which is it? A game that we’ve had for 10 years, or a game that’s so completely different that the format those two were created for literally doesn’t exist anymore. Hmm?

Counterpoint: they’ve never been fine and that is why people have complained about them for nearly 10 years, from all levels of play. One-shots in FPS games are always problematic. They are coddled in OW compared to others.

Okay, so why are you saying that we’ve had nearly 10 years to adjust when they took away 1 tank for 2 years? lol


People had as much time to adjust to rez, discord and barriers but somehow when you guys cry about them we’re supposed to comfort you and demand balance changes.

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So is Mercy’s rez, but many players still complain about it :face_with_peeking_eye: :point_right: :point_left:.

[Laughts in Mercy].

I hate to break it to you, but oneshots were still complained about back then.

Everyone seems to forget that double sniper was the obnoxious oneshot meta that predated — maybe even contributed to — the rise of Goats.

Snipers and oneshots have been a massive pain for the playerbase for years and it’s a shame that the devs are too scared to just rip the bandaid off. Oneshots are one thing, but the egregious oneshot spam of Hanzo and Widow is — and always has been — unnecessary.

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ok do this post again but for Sombra haters

so you admit that sustain in this game is FAR, FAR, FAR, FARR too much than what it should be, you just think that its needed.

Here’s the only things I can think of

  1. Maybe they make a ridiculous amount of skin money from Hanzo/Widow etc
  2. Maybe one of the top devs is a sniper main, and isn’t really aware that catering to sniper mains is a problem when the vast majority of the 43 heros, play like it’s an Arena Shooter, and not a Tactical Shooter
  3. Maybe they think Sniper heroes are their recruitment tool for lower TTK FPS games

But more likely

  1. They keep aiming for a specific winrate, because they genuinely don’t understand the difference between “Winrate” and “Time Weighted Winrate”.
    (Which artificially makes Sniper heroes look way less effective than they are. But also WHY THE HECK SHOULD I ONESHOT HERO BE BALANCED TO HAVE THE DOWNSIDES OF A GENERALIST.)

Like idea of trying to make it so Widow and Soldier76 have the same winrate target?

That’s utter madness.

(On top of winrate just not being that useful, even if it was perfectly accurate. Since they should be aiming for an idealized pickrate order. Not “Equal Value Per Hero in Each Role”).

So, not only is their main KPI used for balancing wildly inaccurate. But they aren’t even solving the correct problem.

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One-shots are fine, if your team is large. They become a problem with small teams. Especially if maps are designed to favor them (long sightlines, where other players can’t engage sniper without also being one).

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There’s so many immortality and pseudo immortality abilities.

We have venture, reaper, genji, m…

Actually, i’ll stop listing them since I’m pretty sure you’re only talking about support immortality.

Point is if we want to remove things like Baptiste’s or Kiriko’s immortality abilities, heroes with self immortality abilities will also need to be on the chopping block.

my main thing is, whenever one shots get removed you always survive with 5-10 health, in 90% of cases you get one shot anyway just from chip damage during fights, plus for widow hitting a follow up shot anywhere on the target is basically guaranteed anyway unless they have some god tier movement

please do get rid of all of it, If u mean genjis deflect… thats not immortality. If thats ur logic then literally standing behind a wall is immortality

Well the main issue there, is they should lower Hanzo headshot damage beyond say 40m range.

So it still kills Widow, but doesn’t oneshot 225hp heroes.

Since otherwise, that triggers a “He wasn’t even aiming at me”, or “where the heck did that come from” response.

And probably compensate with Lunge and Wallclimb buffs.

It’s psuedo immortality. It for all intents and purposes does make him immortal.

Abilities like that would need to be axed as well if we wanted to be fair and remove immortality abilities from the game.


Not necessarily, too much sustain can quickly turn games into a blobfest. Tanks benefit the most from it and this can make or break games.

I mean I do not think any amount of sustain can help with meh players, nor should we balance around it.

Widow/Hanzo are totally balanced around strengths and weaknesses. Only bad players who don’t want to acknowledge that this game is fundamentally a shooter get mad at snipers.

That being said, sniper maps are a problem because they make snipers the only viable strategy which is no fun. Maps like Rialto and Illios can host great sniper play, but still has room for dive/brawl. But Havana/Circuit Royale are just asinine for how much advantage they give to snipers. Those maps need reworks.

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Well, like I said.

Then can weaken high burst, and then just directly nerf defences.

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This is just wrong. U can shoot from the back, u can boop through it, u can beam through it, Its nowhere near an immortality. It doesnt block a nade to the ground, rocket to the ground. Most of the time it does nothing

So what large additional weaknesses has Widow gotten since October 4, 2022?

Since as far as I can tell, they removed a crap ton of barrier spam, removed offtanks, removed DPS Doom, gave Widow regen, and increased her HP.

So where is the roughly -30% powerlevel nerf?

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They also introduced a whole new map for her to terrorize and gave her like 4 new supports that can all peel for her with ease.