Stop complaining about one shots

You think that I’m advocating for storm to not be nerfed when I’m not , most hanzo mains will gladly take it for something or whatnot.

I’m talking to you considering you are a person and telling you the real issue at hand and the solution imo.

Instead greygpt is answering everything thinking there is agenda about storm here.

The answer here is buff support mobility of static ones and buff dive dps.

Everything will pretty much fall in place atleast for whatever 5v5 can be.

Nah, more like I’m done humoring people on if I mention:

  1. Nerf Tank Counters
  2. Nerf Tank Defences


It’s so so dumb.
Like, painfully dumb.

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Except GreyGPT

Mr NerfThis has said

I’m sure it’s been said by me many times too and I’m sure you know it.

What’s the agenda behind this hissy fit though :hugs:

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Mostly just frustration that the devs have made it so difficult to fix Tank scarcity issues, for no apparent justifiable reason.

I told you the exact reason they keep nerfing dive cause support feels bad, why is sombra nerfed now, not that i like her rework in any sense, why was it nerfed ?

Cause mercy zen got farmed instead of just widow or ranged heroes.

This is the inherent issue until a truce is established between dive dps and support mainly old ones and static ones.

You can’t progress anything.

But that’s the thing.

The issue is overly strong Tank counters.

It has nothing to do with hanzo greygpt.

It has everything to do with why there wasn’t a genji harassing that hanzo.

It has more to do with why a t500 was not humping winton or doom but playing rein

Also dude was down to 200 by the time hanzo hit him.

The results will be the same regardless of hanzo or not untill you make supports live with dive dps and buff :muscle: dive dps.

Tank is not even in the equation despite being the biggest end beneficiary.

That’s not how you get an increased amount of Tank players.

Much less, DPS and Support been getting increasingly self sufficient.

And yet Tank somehow doesn’t get that benefit for…
Entirely unjustifiable reasons

Well, unless the devs just happen to be making more than +40% of their money specifically off of Hanzo, Widow and Ana skins.

But beyond that, it’s a ridiculous business mistake.

Increased tank players short of open q won’t happen

The solution I say will allow existing once to be happy :smiling_face:

Dive tanks are already strong :muscle: what is not strong is their roster and why cause supports are harassed.

Until you make supports happy tanks or anyone else can’t be it’s the reality.

Not even happy not feel bad, we can go saying skill issue etc that zen can 1v1 tracer genji sombra true I can, but that’s not your baseline.

This game started suffering the moment people decided it was ok to snatch mercy happiness and ignore their pleas, see were it’s descended to.

especially considering they aren’t a issue for most players. those complaining shouldn’t complain and get better at the game.

don’t tell a mid rank to get good when you need the game changed to stay in high rank.

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Ok you realise the video you posted is about 1 tank getting focused down by SIX enemies? Bruh its like you are not even trying to keep up the facade.

Hanzo takes skill with projectile but like widow not so much

Which has higher damage per second over 1.2sec.

  • Pre-charged Arrow + StormArrows, bodyshots
  • Sentry Bastion.

Who cares?
Depends on the situation and the accuracy + distance. What a weird way to not acknowledge the reply and pivot to something irrelevant lol

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My opinion with oneshots has always been that in a game where healing is a core mechanic they should not exist.

Since one shots makes healing meaningless. It takes out a huge part of the kit of 2 players in the team, it makes little sense.

Regardless, as is Widow should have her hitscan reduced to 0.0 size like it was pre s9. It is quite weird she one shots even easier than ever before in the era where burst damage should have been toned down.

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Bro I am really bad at this game and even I know and understand clearly that those two chars are low effort characters.
If you have a halfway decent aim, you go widow and sit in the most distant corner but with view of the battlefield and take your shots without engaging anything.
oooohhhhh big gameplay. so much camp, so much wow… NOT

Hanzo? Just fire and forget in the area of action. Kills guaranteed.

Hanzo can at least also be played aggressively but who does that on normal occasion.

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they were designed for 6v6


No because ow1 brig could 2v1 them and any high level lobby knew to run her with widow in sniper maps

counters still existed, but counterplay for counters used to be a viable option, now counterpicking is the only option.

lets be honest, the devs are not going to try for 6v6, they WILL put a bad patch just to shut us “6v6’ers” up.

Because, support players… dps was dumpstered because of support players whining, since positioning started to matter for that role it created a massive skill vacuum between dps and support players. flex dps role is dead, hitscan is mediocre in comparison to illari bap, now we only have two characters left that defy the sustain numbers, meaning that not only do support players whine about these two characters but also other dps mains pile on them (including me) because of the massive power vacuum.

We shouldn’t be dumpstering any character until we’ve returned to the previous format (unless said character’s kit was equally as unimpactful as it is currently).

Excessive sustain is necessary evil, as you do not have spare teammates to lose. Especially in F2P game, where quality of teammates is below sea level, yet you still need them alive.

Agreed. I haven’t complained about either of them since I was gold, back when I was a support player in OW1.

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