Stop complaining about one shots

To be fair, GOATS was the most popular composition at high ELO for quite some time. Meta comps will always be the most popular regardless. You even told me that Rein/Zarya was the overwhelming favorite throughout the life of OW1. What’s more, poke is pretty much the longest running meta over the life of OW2, and rush had quite a run as well.

Is it not possible that dive is currently meta because the combination of headshot modifier and armor boosts made dive tanks the most effective, then it being exacerbated with the Juno/Dva synergy?

All snipers need is randomized flinch when hit, which would allow non lethal suppression. I would like to see stupid things like lunge and roll while midair shut down as well.

I wouldn’t call a forced meta to prop up Kotick eSports dreams, a “Community Favorite”.

If anything, my working theory is Bobster didn’t like fast moving compositions, and wanted clumped up slower compositions for eSports camera angle readability.

That’s bad player problem, when mercy rez pharah i kill mercy then pharah again like a good dps.

I also never minded mass rez.

Whiners in every game will complain about precision ranged shooters with high dmg.

its always laughable.

Its nothing new to this game.

Mostly cause most cant play them at high levels and are being skill diffed.

But for majority of population they are favorites and fun and no one cares since most cant be oppressive for long with them.

That’s certainly a plausible theory, but dive was a pretty popular meta, so much so that the Jeff/Geoff “in over our heads” duo created two different support heroes to break it, and both were serious problems with the game at different points.

I am not entirely sure that I would hang my hat on the “slow down for esports” angle, although clearly it’s a possibility, they sold their souls pretty hard to push OWL., including some very illegal pay for play and artificially inflating audience numbers to illegally present a false pictures and artificially boost value to potential franchise owners.

I suspect that the buyback bribe that they did last year was to basically buy indemnification and non disclosure from league owners. So…are they sleazy enough to do such a thing? Yeah, but they also had to create a game that would hold peoples’ interests, and that isn’t accomplished by throwing unpopular heroes in peoples’ faces.

Finally, they made ball in that same era, which was a really disruptive move, and doesn’t really fit the “we want to slow things down” mold, he was a pretty popular offtank, especially when able to contest so easily through permagrapple.

We should, since those are players that are to be expected in F2P game.

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You have very low expectations then. I can understand excessive sustain being needed to keep tanks afloat, but not as crutch for inexperienced players.

Also being a F2P game does not automatically mean every teammate you get is going to a potato.

It basically does. Free games always attract worst possible players, that otherwise are kept away by “entry fee”.

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You need to play more free to play games then because entry fee or not you will always receive some players who are inexperienced and others who are experienced.

It is not like you never got potato teammates back in OW1. The divide between experienced and inexperienced players often revolves around how the game is designed, as oppose to its pricing. I would be quite surprised if 90% of the players you get actually are crayon eaters.

Look, I get atrociously bad players too, but I do not see potatoes every game.

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Ohhhh then thats too bad since I always play with friend who know to tank. By the time shield up front or javelin spin thats the chance for the rest of us to shoot back freely. So the problem are not Widow and Hanzo but its the tank who don’t protect their team. You don’t have to hide behind wall forever just use it as something to cover you temporally until tank can come to help you.

That would be great if Junkerqueen, Doomfist, or Ball worked similarly or had a large character model to Orisa

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But if we don’t complain, the devs won’t listen to us and change things. :frowning:

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For those tank who don’t provide shield to us just stay close together and follow them together to press enemy back. It’s all about team work and adapting to support each other.

Because supports are the biggest crybabies in all of overwatch. I’m not even biased when I say this (I play and enjoy all three roles). Anyone with functioning eyes knows this. They are always the loudest complainers about everything in this game. It’s been that way since the Mercy rework. They’re even worse than Genji mains and Ball haters (which I am a part of) somehow. By globally nerfing supports in any way significant, Blizzard risks tanking their support playerbase because half their heroes aren’t significantly overpowered.

This is why they had to add the dps passive and make tanks miserable btw. Supports were too strong, but blizzard doesn’t have the balls to nerf supports.

Globally nerfing sustain is literally never in the cards for blizzard

I have a better solution.

They can instead design Overwatch like an Arena Shooter, for the other 94% of the playerbase.

And if Hanzo and Widow players don’t like having the game not be designed around those 2 out of the 43 heroes in the game.

Then stop playing.

You aren’t the target audience for this game.

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Thank you, but I’m not seeking advice, I am simply pointing out that being stupid isn’t the sole reason that 1shotters get picks.


But that’s what the DPS Passive is for.

Yep, and it was pretty universally hated, and got nerfed.

For me, the raw audacity of somebody basically saying they expect the majority of the playerbase having “Stare at a blank wall” as a large part of their gameplay experience.

Is basically saying they don’t care if other people enjoy the game.

Like they don’t even understand the value of other people enjoying the game.

But also, there’s a game for “Overwatch but built around fast TTK”

It’s called Valorant.

If ya gotta demand Valorant gameplay in Overwatch, then go play Valorant.

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And still is and would always be,its a dps first game if things dont die your majority playerbase is unhappy and game withers.

Low ttk is always preferred more by casuals, if you see actually the whiners who want high ttk are generally high rank non dps players in all games.

Anyway its as much a backbone to overwatch as anything else is.