Still waiting on the D.Va buff v2

Mm, It’s the remix.

So, we all know D.Va Is still suffering after her cute little booster buff from 5 seconds to 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Now… where shall we start? Oh, yeah, the part where D.Va isn’t fixed at all ? I’m sorry, but like, when was she actually playable for more than 3 weeks on ladder this year? She hasn’t. There’s so many easy ways to buff D.Va.

Buffing her over all bulkiness, such as:

  • Adjusted the armor from 400/200 to 300/300
  • Shooting penalty to 30% from 50%
  • Defense matrix width increase (not a range increase, width).

I feel like alone, those 3 changes would help her peel for her teammates better than she does currently, as of right now, I cant even eat a full McCree ult without a bullet sliding out of my DM either because my defense matrix doesn’t have the width to do that.

Fix your character blizzard, this character needs to be looked at real close.

IF your reading this, don’t ignore it, feel free to comment and give me honest opinion on the whole situation.


I play heroes that counters, and I can even admit she needs a buff.
Not to defense matrix, it is already strong as it is, isn’t it the reason she’s played in owl? if so we need to avoid buffing her for OWL at all costs because they’ll just nerf her again.
Personally I would go:

  • movement penalty reduced to 25%
  • less dmg taken from critical hits (like 20% to 30%)

Her counters… counter her now… :skull:


You mean, the heroes she used to counter. And the entire game became her counters.



Take the crown: :crown:

Jk take the whole kingdom: :european_castle: :crown:


Just wait to see what the devs have to say. That’s what I’d recommend

You know…


I say…we…stay with me now…

Buff Matrix

15 meters

I’m sorry but…imo OWL should not be the primary balancing influence, mid-high GM should. OWL is an entirely different game. Yes it has the ideal players, but it also has a setting so ideal that it’s completely unrealistic.

Because GMs can’t six stack I would go as far to say OWL’s setting is downright impossible. And they don’t even have to deal with what us common playerbase plebs do…

So yes, I will suggest buffs that may not be so gr8 in OWL because OWL already ruined this game enough…

I’ll take this anyway tho…

And maybe this…

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Oh I agree all right.

But the devs don’t seem to care.

I dunno, I would prefer the other buffs

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That’s why I recommended a width size of her defense matrix to be buffed rather than her range.

Ye they just want what makes them the most out of their hustle…

Idk…to me it’s one of those things I thought was best left unchanged

But honestly that movement penalty reduction sounds bomb. 50% just feels awful

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its double shield

dva is bad in double shield. Buffing her is just powercreep. Devs buffed genji to try and increase the viability of dive as a counter to double shield. Maybe don’t be a dva OTP trying to force her into double shield when you’re more than aware she wont get value?

And Double shield is played because D.Va is not viable, making D.Va viable gives players a choice over sigma.


So we’re not going to talk about the entire damage roster? As everyone in the damage category is stronger post-role queue minus symmetra…

While half the supports are weaker than they launched and the tank role is weaker than it has ever been…

But yanno, still “impactful” since you need 2 of each role not blatantly throwing


I’d actually rather buff her range, if we were going to buff matrix.

But honestly, I don’t think buffing matrix is the way to go, Clearly people dislike it, and she’ll just be nerfed again.

Yeah I agree, whenever I play (which isn’t often) the movement penalty feels terrible.

So… giving genji 4 buffs is ok and doesn’t contribute to power creep, but giving even 1 buff is a problem?


Same. Matrix is good as is, and is infuriating enough to play against (infuriating, not op)

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the alternative to making genji more viable is nerfing about 15 heroes, which would lead to a huge outcry of players. Big shocker they went with buffing genji instead

Im fine with dva getting a buff to her matrix range, because that’s what she actually needs to perform well unlike the suggestions given above, but even then double shield would still be dominant

I know people think Zarya has beam meaning she counters Dva or whatever…and I’m not saying it’s wrong but

What gets me is how slow and fat I am on Dva. I’m literally just Zarya’s ult battery and I have to stop firing completely to just move. Micro missiles are too garbage to change the results of a duel…D.Va honestly just feels overall underwhelming compared to say…Literally any other tank.

I mean Orisa is pretty bad but at least she has Halt to buy a kill every now and then


They would need to nerf 15 heroes to make genji OP again, Not balanced. He already was middle of the pack before the buffs. Average, Yeah, shocking isn’t it. It seems like nowadays certain heroes aren’t allowed to be average.


If you think she’s bad have you tried playing Winston lately? At least twice as bad.

Poor Pharah Sombra Bastion Baptiste Reaper Dva and Sym

Doomed to forever be trashed because it’s either play to win or play a hero you enjoy with this balance team…

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