Still waiting on the D.Va buff v2

I mean… Winston has a better win rate / play rate than D.Va at the moment…

A summary of D.Va’s state:

  • Largest body hitbox of any tank, including massive cylinders around her legs that extend beyond the actual character model.
  • One of the largest critboxes of any tank, and one of a few that’s never been reduced. Often the fact it can only be hit from the front is used as a reason for this, but Rein, Hog, and Winston all can only be critted from the front.
  • An average of 50% of the damage blocked of the barrier tanks, despite being closer to 75% back when the game was actually healthy and allowed for other playstyles than barriers.
  • A kit that’s “regretted” by the devs, to the point of being stolen for two heroes that deleted her playstyles: Sigma with his TWO Defense Matrix style abilities. One that’s projectable damage deletion in the form of a barrier which has none of the weaknesses (including unlimited range and no accident D.Va had hers sanded right off to make way for him to dominate in this role), and the other that’s actual damage deletion in the form of Season 1 D.Va DM with a different animation AND generating shields to reward it. And Wrecking Ball who stole D.Va’s crown in the mobile tank department, in the disruption department, diving in with infinite movement and boop damage that it’s no accident was removed from D.Va to make way for the Hero Identity Heist we were promised this game would never do.
  • Less damage on average than literally any tank. Period.
  • More deaths on average than literally any tank.
  • Literally the only tank that’s 1v1able by most heroes without requiring peeling, meaning she’s the only tank you would be stupid to respect the space of, better to get right in her face.
  • The only tank that can cancel her own nano because that’s the cost of a self-stagger ability.
  • The only tank that has a self-stagger ability which is jokingly sold as a benefit when we all get to watch OWL players act completely unsporstmanlike every time a D.Va is on the field because apparently kidnapping the enemy goalie to delay the start of the second half and thereby waste the enemy’s time is a valid strategy in competitive sports.
  • Literally the only tank in the entire game whose tanking ability is entirely bypassed by Melee and Beam weapons, a weakness formerly justified by her dominant tanking of Hitscan and Projectile weapons. A dominance that has not existed since they sanded off her DM, and yet they’ve done nothing to compensate while adding more and more Beams and Melee to the game.
  • Oh and one of the hardest self-slows in the entire game THE hardest maybe? Someone tell me.
  • And while I’m adding “pointless arbitrary weaknesses on the weakest tank” to this list, literally the only hero that gets rezzed at only 25% health, requiring the usage of an ultimate to get full health after rez. Meaning she doesn’t join the fight till after everyone else, yet again self-staggering.

Doesn’t really mean much. I’m talking about actual gameplay. I mean I could say the same about bastions win rate but since he’s a niche hero it doesn’t count.

I think both winston and need buffs, TBH.
Winston a little less maybe, but still needs buffs

I just checked on overbuff, dva is above Winston on play rate and win rate.

It’s also in the center of her model

Meaning high spread and bad aim still gets value trying to hit it

Why no one is talking about this?

Ironic, the hero with 2 lives



I promote you to The Queen :slight_smile:


The problem is that in this game, when you die it’s like you get removed instantly from the game, you just freaking disappear because there is just too much damage regardless if you are a DPS, tank or healer.

Now put all that damage on the character with the biggest and easiest to hit headshot hitbox in the game BY FAR. Essentially doubling all damage received. Poor D.Va gets deleted in a nanosecond :frowning:

I think the game just needs an overall nerf of the damage, in my opinion.

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Nope, this month, click tank, and click GM and masters. Winston is better.

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I’m not looking at those. I’m looking at overall.

I was thinking increasing leap’s take off damage from 1 to 10 and his landing max damage from 50 to 60

Helps his base kit and makes his ultimate a bit more lethal but…idrk how to buff winston without just handing Sigma a sign with “powercreep” on it


Where on earth are you getting these numbers?
Originally I thought you were talking all ranks, but even there, she has trash win and pickrate and don’t even talk about GM, She’s F tier there.


https ://www.overbuff. com/roles/tank?mode=competitive

Remove spaces

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What? Why

You just ruined your whole point

Winston is one of the most game-sense taxing heroes in the game…ran in dive, a comp full of communication and team-wide focus…so you look at overall ranks? The stats would be literally useless

Why only look at masters and GM?

My point is Winston is just as bad if not worse

That’s where balance should be based tbh


Not playing Spades with bronzes and masters

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But does my point stand? How does a tank with less synergy and much less power somehow not be doing worse than dva? Both need buffs is all I’m saying.

“We found that D.Va has not been doing well in OW lately so we have Genji the ability to burn people with fire so he can protect the D.Va in your team”

What are they gonna say?

Honestly I am fine if her boosters was 3 seconds again and that’s it or bring her DM range how it previously was.


Well it was trembling before

Now it’s like trying to make a cake rise without flour

He is doing better than dva

And you are saying more than both need buffs :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah both D.Va and Winston need buffs, or rather the other tanks (hi sigma) need big nerfs, our favorite ape Winston should probably be renamed Loseston by now honestly

haha, I added a point or two just to get all the weaknesses up there. D.Va is a real mess.

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