Still no OWL rewards after todays patch

Still missing almost all of my rewards. I’ve received 20 tokens, but no finals rewards and so on…

Please do something that WORKS and REWARDS people. It is already so frustrating having all content locked behind paywalls everywhere.

This feels so unrewarding and unengaging, players want to have their time and investment VALUED by the games they play. I watched connected 35+ hours as proven by the tokens I earned but miss many rewards like the 100 bonus tokens and all grand finals perks.

You need to make up for this. It is our time and Blizzard CLEARLY only values our wallet.

Playerbase is unhappy. Game is already being hated on for this greed and anti-player mindset.

You need to take MANY steps back with your greed, lower prices, make steps TOWARDS players who love the game and want to spend time and money on it.

Just be good human beings not greedy capitalists


A bad joke, I still haven’t received the missing skins and tokens, the rewards stopped after 18 hours and from there it didn’t continue.

Same here.I only got 130 tokens for watching but I didnt receive anything after the 12h cosmetic rewards.Some tokens plus the grand final rewards are missing too.

Watched every single stream + encores and I am still waiting for most of my rewards I rightfully earned and am entitled to receive

This is now the 4th year that they’ve messed this up in a row, I think. Rewards not been give out and no indication that you even received them or some way to collect them.

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sadly i feel we will all be out of luck and theyll just apologize with no compensation and hope we forget about this =/


Curious to see if anyone actually got any of the rewards they should’ve gotten on the 17th today since they said that they’re “rolling out drops”?


and then some of us will earn their rewards, but not everyone for sure, and then we’ll say again “i knew this would happen”, but then some of us won’t complain anymore cuz they’ll get their sugar and it will divide the playerbase lol

Just had a look myself after checking the tweet. Nothing for me.


Still missing almost all of my rewards. Apparently they don’t want to give the rewards for some reason, the whole system is electronic and not done on paper, enter the data in the system and give it to players who lost hours watching the lives.


i still miss a lot of skins and tokens i watched the overwatch streams on youtube for a very long time i had it on over a like 4 whole days and still only have like 6 skins and missing tokens. pls can i get them some how?

I can’t even see the overwatch league skins in client for the hero’s I haven’t received it for (yes after adjusting my filters). As far as I’ve seen from the hundreds of Twitter comments there still has been no “progress” in giving people their earned rewards. Honest posts from now on please.

Me too! Still not got a bunch of skin’s tokans and name cards . I have the feeling Blizzard don’t care what the player thinks and want . Blizzard only wants your money. That’s what i think so far from overwatch 1.5


Same here, got nothing.


I got until my 12h but after that, nothing… it’s so strange because I got it after the matches directly, but since the 12h border nothing… like, why did some people get it already, others didnt get anything? So strange, seriously. I watched every game and sometimes the enconres as well…

Yep, same here. Doesn’t look like they’ve actually done anything lol. Seems more like a placebo tweet to me :p.


No rewards still! Didn’t even watch from YouTube, I watched 30 hrs+ from OWL website itself.

I watched all live matches + encore. what did i get Nothing. It’s sad that Blizzard and YouTube run such a scam


any update ???