So was this a bug, or is it merely a tweak to how the netcode resolves conflicts?
Lately, it seems like you have to be very proactive in using some escape abilities; ice block, activating primal rage, translocate, recall, etc. It feels like it’s changed over the past few months, and I always wonder if my reaction times are getting worse, or if the netcode is changing, or my opponents Internet connections are getting worse, or if my Internet connection is getting worse.
I believe there was a YouTube video from the developers a long time ago about how favor-the-shooter works, but the examples that video gives no longer seem true. It would be nice to see some new examples, or even something like “look, if the Widowmaker on the other team has 300 ping, you have to activate Primal Rage at 250HP or higher to guarantee that it goes off.”
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The Cyro-Freeze vs Chain Hook interaction where Cryo-Freeze cooldown isn’t refunded is not a result of lag compensation interactions. So no, not a netcode issue. Perhaps they’ll explain in depth in a patch note.
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Sadly, this is by design.
The netcode is choosing winners. Even though both sides performed their abilities correctly.
Better question is if the devs will give Roadhog a hook cooldown reset if they cancel a hook that landed properly on the Roadhog’s screen.
Fixing this and snowball disappearing even after the cast time like falling through angled floors would be great.
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Or Snowball raising up to ledges instead of staying on the ground where he landed.
Any Update to this?
19 days ago Blizzard said an update was coming soon. I’m still seeing this in my games as well as in my favorite streamer Jardio’s games all the time. I understand these things can take time, but a timetable would be excellent!
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Was hoping to see it in the most recent patch but no luck. Are they still working on it? Any updates?
did anyone check if inthe ptr they fixed this?
Has been the bug fixed yet?
I have been testing for nearly 30 minutes on PTR and I haven’t got the bug once.
There are some instances where I used my Cryo-Freeze, went to third person, got hooked and heard the sound of Cryo-Freeze cancelling, but the ability didn’t went on cooldown.
Here is an example of this:
I had this a few time during my testing.
(used to be called PING
) is 45 ms.
I’m still not sure if the bug is fixed or not, but I will test it again later when I have some free time,
Jhas anyone tested this in the new patch?
Dunno, not sure if anybody has.
Bump. Hopefully they are still working on this.
Here you go:
This should make it easier for others.
So… any fixes soon???
Not trying to be pushy or anything, but I would like to see her Cryo-Freeze ability to be more reliable.
Any word on if in fact this fix is coming soon? I don’t wanna be pushy either but when I think of coming soon I think the next patch, or for sure the patch after that. It has been months
I do know this stuff can take time though, so do what you need to do it just feels like it has been forgotten. At least an update would be nice.
Yet again another example of Blizzard ignoring stuff…
Let’s not forget there’s also been this in relation to Mei.
The bug is still being encountered in the game.
When can we expect that fix?
I know you said soon, but that was 3 months ago.
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I encountered today this bug in TDM. I have been pulled out of cryo and it resetted so many times that i don’t even know the exact number
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