👻 "Stealth Turrets isn't a thing" and then Ghost Turret Bug revealed a min later

Was literally getting mad at someone saying Stealth Turrets isn’t a thing anymore: 👋 The Perfect Sym Buff and then notmuda post a ghost turret bug.

Arg… going to need a strong one today. :wine_glass:


As a Sym main “LOLZ!!!”

As a sensible human being “…sigh”


Oh Blizzard…

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Honestly I’ll give em a pass on this one. I mean gamers like to test the crap out of everything till they find a flaw, and no one has more people doing that than Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

The real test is to see how long it takes to fix haha.


This is the real question.


Honestly I can’t help but see some parallels between Sym and the cash grab of Fallout 76 right now.

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As someone with a room full of Fallout stuff and a fan since freakin Wasteland(ya im old…) too soon… too soon lol. I didnt even buy it, had 0 interest. Like it was so painfully obvious that it was a multiplayer tech demo for their engine and not a complete game I’m shocked they even slapped the $59.99 price tag on it… sigh.

If I could say one thing to AAA game companies and have them actually hear me it would be this.

“STOP TRYING TO TRICK US. We WANT to give you money, we like what you do, we want to pay you for it. It’s actually makes us want to spend LESS when you pull this crap.”

EDIT: As an example, I actually boulght the Paladins founders pack because I liked what they were doing and wanted to support it. 2 months later, OB64… lol. Like what the heck guys, I was already throwing money at you, you dont need to do this!


notmuda is actually amazing these sym bugs would have been still in the game if he didn’t discover/reveal them

Also jojo reference pog


Stuff like this bug are the real reason Sym takes forever to get buffs and stuff done.

Likely a ongoing problem with every Builder in the game forever from now.

I remember when Torbs Turret could shoot though walls on Hanamura

When they annouce a new Builder hero… there is likely gonna be so many bugs.

Dunno, I always thought the problem with builders is that if a player gets shot by something without a human being aiming it at them they go…

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Again, I have to keep reminding people that stealth turrets is not a thing.: Another week of Silence for Sym - #9 by Doomfish-21368

Thus annoyed greatly.

Keep saying that stealth turrets is not a thing as much as you want,
doesn’t change the fact it is and has video proof & tutorial to it.