Another week of Silence for Sym



I tend to find that the devs do listening and dispensing feedback in waves.

Also I’m pretty sure there’s either some forum staff, interns, or Pros forwarding ideas to the devs.

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Honestly after dealing with Fallout 76, I actually don’t know what to think “actually” happens anymore.

Nothing seems to happen on the ptr or announced as plans for the ptr.

Dunno, maybe I have a better opinion of how well they listen to feedback, considering a lot of the changes that get into the game are rather similar to something I’ve asked for before.

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Look I like a lot of 3.0, but I think removing the Photon Barrier completely was just crossing a line, that should have not been crossed.

Her Non-Ult game was ruined.

Repeating myself: The Perfect Sym Buff: Bringing back “Photon Barrier” by instead of flying turrets, let them be Lesser Photon Barriers that turn into Turrets.

Well, assuming they went with that.

Would one assume that the first turret tossed gets a shield. And the ones following it don’t.

Maybe they could fix the stealth issue by making it so that the shield is invisible, unless it takes 1 point of damage?

Sym is op now, if u know how to aim.

The devs haven’t said anything this week. This isn’t a sym only issue, don’t make it one.

  1. Each would be a lesser shield then the ones you know. highlight each.

  2. Stealth Turrets is a complete Myth currently with 3.0 and I am tired of people bringing it up. (remember it’s a team based game, stealth like that doesn’t work against a team, older versions of Sombra prove this)

  3. Sym is totally not OP, and it’s not a knowing how to aim thing.

  4. Sym is currently the longest ongoing issue, that really was never fixed. Back in March, they made it seem like it was going to be a focus. But as 3.0 proves… it was never really.

  5. I am repeating myself again of stuff I already talked about today.

They aren’t called stealth turrets. They’re called bush turrets, pinecones, or coconuts.

I really was hoping to get a devs opinion about my barrier idea, but looks like I will have to battle the whole Stealth turret falsehood instead. Like the feast and famine Torb had, though Jeff pointed that out. đź‘» "Stealth Turrets isn't a thing" and then Ghost Turret Bug revealed a min later

Too bad I have to leave for work now, (Christmas rush so they need me) but this is likely gonna be months of repeating myself.

Unless Devs actually speak about something.

I watched that video and saw the thread but I was dealing with a 2 day mute so -.-

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You know I been ban for a Month already for these Sym talks, plus a few weeks here and there.

The long times I wasn’t on were likely cause someone got me silenced.

Sigh - I don’t even play Sym anymore, I just dream of bringing everyone out of F tier.

Thankfully, we got Reaper, Torb, maybe Bastion out in these last 2 years… now we just have to finish what we started with Sym

I just used an asterisk to bypass the mature language filter. I wasn’t even insulting anyone tbh.

I really ended up wanting to make a thread about how idiotic it is that the game has an optional censor and you can say almost every naughty word under the sun with no penalty, but apparently the forums are this holy ground where if you say one wrong thing you get sent straight to hell.

It’s dumb. There’s no point censoring words because anyone old enough to play the game or read the forums knows the words, what they mean, and likely use them in their daily life.