Stage 2 = Goats. When a balance team tries to nerf a meta

…only to buff it furthermore… that is truly something to be worried about. Several analysts/players raised red flags when the patch notes arrived.

This raises the question, do the devs lack high level understanding of how the game fundamentally works?

And it’s now confirmed by high level/pro play that “Goats” is in fact better than before in most situations. (3-3). However, Winston will now be played more instead of Reinhardt, because of his buff to dmg on armor and ability to engage counter comps/high ground effectively.

Stage 2 will be Goats 2. If we are lucky, we will see some variation on certain maps. We will likely see some entertaining bunker comps. But yeah. Don’t have your hopes up guys.

This is unfortunate.

And to the “iTs LuCiO’ers”

Yes, lucio is a key component in goats, however, its Brig with her sustain, aoe heal, burst heal+armor, stun, knockback boop and long range melee that gives goats the edge, making it near impossible to get in there and disrupt/damage them. Also will deny hitscan, spam and pharah as well.
Nerfing brig would surely help countering goats no question, but this would make her useless outside of triple support. Rework is needed, regardless of 2-2-2 being locked in the future or not, if you still want her viable.


it’s funy how this forum so so fixated on reinhardt when winston goats is the next step once rein goats dies off

dive goats is way less dependent on speed than rein goats is, and when the speed nerf is the only noticeable change to the goats composition (discord nerf is barely anything and zen’s kit is still top-tier), i can definitely see dive goats being more of the norm

of course hunters benefits from the nerfed-but-still-very-strong goats since they can probably run their hammond shenanigans against it, but i wouldn’t be surprised if the meta is still goats-centric with bunker comps returning in their traditional settings


Which pro players confirmed it? I was reasonably sure that they did kill GOATS… at the expense of heroes that were balanced outside of 3-3.

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he mentioned that the date of the post is unfortunate since his post is a serious one


Whelp, this confirms what I thought. Goats isn’t going anywhere unless they completely destroy certain characters that were actually fine before GO.A.T.S. emerged or implement 2-2-2.


Brigitte can’t be gutted for the same reason reinhardt can’t. If the meta changes, they are hard stuck useless.


that’s why a rework is needed.

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The Devs. have no intentions of making GOATS unplayable.

They just want other compositions to BE playable.

GOATS should be a valid composition. It just shouldn’t be THE valid composition.


It wasn’t until they buffed Winston last patch lol.

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But they failed this

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You are using past tense for events that have yet to pass.

We don’t know until Stage 2 actually happens.


They never said they were going to kill GOATS, they don’t want a repeat of what happened with Dive and Brigitte. It’s still going to take some tuning, but they want to make GOATS a viable option, but not the only option

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2-2-2 will GREATLY deflate GOATS and other future METAS from occurring since you are now cutting down the amount of variations of Tank/DPS/Support needed to make a META happen and not have useless nerfs and buffs overdone to a hero just to stop said META.

It’s pathetic that “pros” have to rely on a META that anyone can use in order to win a match. That is actually pathetic.


Well that’s the unfortunate thing that Blizzard does. They net nerf heroes often but they seem to REALLY like giving already meta heroes like Zenyatta and Lucio compensation buffs.


True, but I understand it. Pros will always pick whatever has the highest chance of winning. Why bother with something else if you can accomplish the same thing but with less effort?

I see a much higher likelihood of metas being more map dependent in stage two. We already saw some of that in stage one, with a lot of teams running quad DPS to counter GOATs on Volskaya for instance.

Also, I think it’s far too early to be speaking so definitively about the meta for a stage that hasn’t even started yet. I have no doubt we’ll still see GOATs on the first day of the stage, and maybe even on the last day of the stage, but I also have a feeling that we’ll see the meta evolve organically in the meantime.


That doesn’t make it right though. Anybody can do that. To be named a “pro” means to go beyond what people can do and still win. I don’t take anybody seriously if they use, in the OWL, the name “pro” for the sake of “Oh it makes us win we have to do it”

Guess anybody can be a pro then technically.

One reason I stopped watching OWL. It is a joke.


Yeah, it is not enjoyable… but might makes right. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is if you win or not.


also…the team still has to balance the game…you know FOR US or do you want everyone else ot be in hell for something that only the pros play

I know, but that is a joke sadly to me. I get the “We win we get money” but Blizzard should really step in and say “NO META” I came to watch a good battle between these “pros” Not something anyone can do. This is really Blizz’s fault.

I hope 2-2-2 is installed for the sake of getting rid of these terrible METAS. Then we will see what these “pros” can really do. Not only that? The game will not be run amok with “nerf so and so because this META makes them too strong!” ideologies.