SR gain/lose ratio discussion

I’m a Tracer main that doesn’t really take the game too seriously but I still want to win. I’ve been stuck in silver but I lose so much SR even though I have gold eliminations usually I get 25-35 eliminations a game. I also do about 10,000 damage a game which is also gold. And if I win with those numbers I gain less then I lose. Is this a problem with anyone else just want to know that it is not just me.

I don’t really track my SR gains and lo no sses, but if you want to add me, we can play, or upload some replay codes. I’ve enjoyed analyzing games recently.

This is one I did recently.

Here is a Tracer match I analyzed

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Just a suggestion, if you use time stamps of the video, like - at 14:03 you did x y z, it makes it easier for the person to skip to the part you’re talking about

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