Coach me pls. silver dps

I swapped to widow because their echo. idk, I tried to play smart, but I ate the D anyway. I’m looking for more of a thought process than mechanical things. Echo moves soo fast. my scoped sense can’t keep up.

Tracer game. Same looking for brain corrections, I know my mechanics and movement are <meh… I do work on them though. I thought that controlling mega and touching point to pull them back would be a greater value than playing with my team. Wrong or right?

These are both qp rounds that felt the same as comp to me, seems how I’m scared to play comp…

If you are unable to provide proper advice to his game play and go on complaining how its practicaly imppossible to climb, I would highly suggest you to not post anything like that next time in topics where people actualy want to improve at the game. Its not any use to him.


If you can’t snipe well, play a character that’s more forgiving. With soldier, for instance, you can miss a lot, but still get hits on enemies that fly.

Again, I just wouldn’t play tracer if I didn’t have good mechanical skills. It’s another one of those characters that really requires that, to be effective.

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I mean that’s great to say, but those are my two best hitscans.
Like I said I’m looking for the thought process I don’t yet understand, not the mechanical stuff I can already see.

What I mean is, I can see me missing shots and being not dafran. What I want to know is, was my idea or what “play” was trying to do even a good choice?

How about you piss off? This guy is actually looking to improve, not blame everything and everyone else for his wins/losses(unlike you), and you want to try and ruin that? Not only is your post completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, it’s objectively wrong. If I can climb from low Silver to mid Diamond, anyone can. Get over yourself and stop infesting every thread I look at with your self-righteous nonsense.


The thought process you don’t seem to understand, is that you shouldn’t be playing mechanical characters if you don’t have mechanical skills.

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So I take it you watch the games and I should switch to junkrat or uninstall?

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I’m just saying that if you want to climb in rank, you should be playing a character that doesn’t require you to aim. Since you’re bad at aiming. Is that bad advice? lol.

I’ll tell you I’ve been playing on my laptop recently. And because it’s not as fast as a desktop, I can’t even play hitscan characters. Or I lose, a lot. So yes, I play characters like junkrat, pharah. One’s that don’t require as much mechanical skill as others. And I can tell you, silver is easy. Although if I played widow or tracer in silver, I’d probably drop to bronze.

Climbing would be nice. But I would rather like to actually know what I’m supposed to be doing. Trying the right play and failing due to lack of skill is ok with me. I will slowly get better mechanics ( they don’t come easy for me )

You try YouTube characters in gameplay ?

Well, unfortunately for you, mechanics are generally more important than doing the “right thing.” And the problem with giving you advice on that, is that the right thing is usually different on a game to game basis. At your rank, if you have a really good second dps for instance, sometimes the right thing might just be to sacrifice yourself distracting your opponents so he can get kills.

There’s not just one solid answer though. The best advice I can give you is choose easier characters to play. And you’ll win more often.

It kind of is though. If he want to improve mechanically, he should be playing those heroes more, not less. Otherwise if he climbs with the more forgiving heroes, he’ll only be able to play those particular heroes at that rank.

Also have you tried playing around with your sensitivity? Especially the relative sensitivity when scoped for the snipers, that can make a huge difference. Don’t change it every week or anything cause you need to take time with it to really get a feel for if it’s working or not.

I also recommend going into custom games and practicing your mechanics against the specific heroes you struggle against. For example, I’m a Zen main, so I’ve spent a bit of time practicing against people on Genji.

It can also be helpful to watch some VODs and general tips videos for your characters of choice.

I’m afraid I don’t have the time to watch your replay, but simply holding a health pack and touching point is rarely the right move in my opinion. As a Tracer, you’re fantastic as an assassin that can greatly pressure the backline. So I recommend doing that first and foremost, depending on their comp and situation. You should always be pressuring their team in some way when you have your cooldowns(abilities) up. Also watch their cooldowns. If Mcree just used his flashbang for example, it’s much safer to go and fight him than if you’re unsure whether he has it. I can’t give you much else at the moment, but I hope that helps.

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That’s true…but he’s asking for advice on the “right thing to do.” And it’s like…well, if you can aim well, the right thing to do is kill the healer. If you can’t maybe it’s

I just feel like he might spend years doing the “right thing” without the mechanical skills necessary, when he could be winning by simply doing something else.

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I think advice on decision making is good while you learn mechanics. OP, just play what you want to be good at.

I’m taking a look at these games now. Might be a bit slow typing up a review post.

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I feel im the expert on all things DPS. Being lvl 25 and having a 100% win rate in comp, pretty impressive if I dont say so myself. (Ive played one game) Anyways, general DPS tips I can give after watching your game.

Maybe slightly off so dont kill me here people. I kinda know the game but im for sure not an expert. This is my first owned account lol.

Aim! Keep your cross-hair higher up. Head height so you dont have to move it into position to shoot cause its already there.

You spent A LOT of time waiting or taking long flanks. You were targeting healers though so thats good. The torb and sym turrets when they have a sym. I noticed these rip tracers to shreds if they arent taken care of. I would have swapped off to something else, reaper maybe?

I dont know. that are my words on the situation lol

I understand what you mean, fair enough.
I have played all the heroes, some quit a bit. Those 2 though I come back to ow to play, especially tracer.
I might be playing a different game and all the sudden i wish I were playing tracer… It’s a bit pepega to have that impulse and yet be so bad, but there it is. :man_shrugging:

I know I’m not dumb, but I also know that games aren’t something I’m talented at. So while I grind my aim up to average player level, I figure I could also grind ow brain to average as well.

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I recommend buying another account like smurfing.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that of course I’m T500 on my other account… … . … … .

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Everyone please flag Waters initial post as inappropriate.

This clown failed to climb the ladder and is now talking down to another player who wishes to give it his best efforts.