SPLIT 5v5 6v6 communities already


Sorry, but what? Tanking died in 6v6. The players that stuck around in season 30+ were the non-tank double-shield abusers and hog one-tricks.

The rest of the tanks left or quick for other roles before 5v5 ever went live.

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no, all you have done is proved my point about continuous baby tantrum to get what you want, with no consideration that it may have a worse impact to the game overall than to just ignore you. but as long as you get what you want right, regardless who promoted and for how long, only those with an axe to grind would respond, the vast majority that either didnā€™t know or care. would not have contributed.

personally I fall into the I donā€™t care category. so there is no hate. Iā€™m also a game dev so I also have a perspective from the other side of the servers and know all the whining can cause the devā€™s to double down on ignoring you. probably even laughing as despite the wining you still play and spend money on it. just look at Samito even rage quit the game but eventually came back. so why appease them.

what baby tantrum are you talking about?
You claim to fall into the category of ā€œi dont careā€ yet you seem to bash the 6v6 crowd for wanting this mode back, all im seeing is a blizzard shill going out of their way to paint all 6v6 enjoyers (which is a lot of people of the community)

ā€œI am also a game dev,ā€ we do not care, Blizzard has shown time and time again that they cannot even seem to communicate with their fanbase, ā€œX character is weak bc their winrate is 49%, here lets buff it with a 120% damage increase whilst decreasing their hitbox size,ā€, its not that they double down bc of whining, its bc they are so out of touch with their product and playerbase that they dont understand what the complaints about


Dude just say you dont want to believe thereā€™s any interest in 6v6 and be done with it. Watching you reach for things and twist them in the hopes that itā€™ll reinforce your point of view just comes off as desperate, and you dont need to do that - you already have 5v5.

Unless youā€™re worried that might change at some point. :thinking:

All evidence to the contrary but if you say so.


Funny that you should mention this. Iā€™ve walked away from tanking in disgust precisely in Season 30.

I still have PTSD from tanking back in Overwatch 1 and it started in Role Queue. It was the role to get bullied on.

Games with a bad off-tank, a one-trick tank on the wrong map, or two off-healers doing their own thing were awful. Add the double-shield abusers or a 4/5 stack, with their silver tank buddy playing in plat. Nah.

The bully-proof heroes were double-shield and off-tanks. Pure misery as a tank, if you wanted to win.

Iā€™m a 6v6 advocate, and the point you think youā€™re making isnā€™t saying much. That twitter poll is a small sample size of the overall community.

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given how blizzard always ducks away in any opportunity to ask whether the community wants 6v6 or not, numerous polls that time and time again confirming 6v6 is a pretty big warning

Yall can keep your trashy OW2, If they gave the rest of us back OW1 access.


Rock, paper, scissors in 5v5 is a thousand times worse.

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Where does this statistics even come from?

God forbid the consumer wants a product fit to their needs. If this is the mentality that people are approaching gaming with in 2024, yeah nah we deserve every single bit of scummy monetization and all the horrible choices that have led to gaming as a whole being even somewhat accepting of OW2.


There is no such thing as ā€œ5v5 communityā€.

Then why are they so scared of implementing 6v6?




yeah lets split the player base even more on a game that matchmaking system is barely working because thereā€™s not enough players


Well the split is already evident, now you just have a bunch of people displeased by the current merge.


Well hereā€™s the thing. Letā€™s say it is a 50/50 split or close to it, so what? Iā€™d like 6v6 back, though not a single person can say for sure it would improve OW. No one knows. We tried it for 6+ years and now weā€™re doing 5v5.

What makes our opinion more important than the players who would rather have 5v5?

We had our fun in a different format. Getting mad at the devs because they arenā€™t giving us what we want is wasted energy. Donā€™t like it? Youā€™ve said your piece. Now itā€™s time to find something else to enjoy if you stated what you want and arenā€™t getting it. That doesnā€™t mean double down again and again.

I say this to anyone about nearly everything in life. Entertainment is just that. Itā€™s a video game.

but theyā€™re scared of splitting their 40m players
oh no!

God forbid blizzard making good changes that satisfies the other half of their player base