SPLIT 5v5 6v6 communities already

Options use to come plentiful in games such as queuing your gamemodes

Overwatch remains outdated in this.

Cramming all modes and game types into quickplay and comp is also a huge issue because fundamentally

And clash all failed!

As well as 5v5 imo


I support the idea.

It wouldn’t be my first suggestion, but I’m starting to get convinced that the best thing Blizzard can do is grant us access to OW1. Split the players between those who prefer the original game and those who like the “sequel”, because it seems to be the only thing Blizzard can do that will be met with approval.


I’d probably play it but I don’t want OW1 classic. I want 6v6 in OW2. I’d rather have a 6v6 arcade mode if that’s what it takes and even if the only change they make is a global health nerf to tanks.


sadly the queue times would be too high for the 5v5 crowd :stuck_out_tongue:


Unless they weren’t. :open_mouth:

no, people just need to stop with the selfish and entitled mindset or just cry and stamp ones feet until you get what you want like a baby.

It should be accepted what we are given and adapt to suit the environment.
not force to change to what we want and the environment to suit you.

accept reality that not everyone gets a participation award, and you just have to take the lumps thrown at you. or just move on to something more agreeable to you


I agree it would be best if we had 6v6 in OW2, but at this point I’ll take anything.


Just get rid of the goofy arcade modes and already you have more players

Blizzard shot themselves in the foot by not sticking to just a casual quickplay mode and hardcore competitive mode. All that time and money wasted on useless modes that never saw the light of day or were abandoned.

Overwatch remains outdated in this.

to blizzard theyre not outdated. going 5v5 was solely because blizzard listened to the comp crowd over the casual quickplay crowd. 5v5 forced overwatch to be played like it had no gamemode other than comp. pick off meta heroes? youre stomped. dont want to group up with friends to play? lol. get stomped. no physical effort to establish communications with teammates? stomped. want to try a new hero? stomped. does your tank blow and they have no other tank to help pick up the slack? stomped and teamkilled. make a simple mistake? stomped.

5v5 allows for absolutely no messing around, you MUST play 5v5 like its a comp match otherwise youll just lose.

overall 6v6 was far healthier for the average player and all criticism i saw came only from comp players.


when 50% of the playerbase wants a mode that has been removed i think thats a very telling sign that 5v5 is not working


I like push, don’t like snipers on push only on new queens street

I don’t like the other 2… Flashpoint should of been more like control with the the percent rising at speed of control maps.

Clash should of had it the points like flashpoint, clash sucks cause there is no counter fight for the objective you lost…

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No reason it couldn’t be a separate comp mode; we already have OQ and we’ve had mystery heroes too.


This is a billion dollar enitity its possible


This game had the 6v6 format and assault maps during 6 years.

All this changed because of some selfish players who did not want to adapt to the game.


At the very least, blizz can let us pick game modes so that I don’t have to dodge maps and only play quick play. Half of the people leaving are because they don’t like the mode so I don’t see the issue with letting people pick what they wanna play.

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Where you pulling this number from? 50% seems like a giant leap to take without any proper unbiased polls on this.

No way having both 5v5 and 6v6 queues would work out. 6v6 queues would suffer most. Think tank queues were bad before? Imagine how it will be now.

Not to mention that they would have to balance around two completely different game modes at once. Devs struggle enough balancing the main game mode as is. Don’t think we need to start asking the impossible of them on top of that.


Yeah theres no way that would work, every tank would be on 6v6 and you wouldnt find games on the 5v5 side


Anyone made a proper OW1 custom game mode yet?

Tanks might be the only ones queuing for that mode though… no DPS or Support would want to sit in a queue for 50 minutes to find a 6v6 game, hoping their tanks play nice together. If not, you better be ready to spend a game getting stomped and wait for another 50 minutes.