SPLIT 5v5 6v6 communities already

I still miss 6v6 even to this very day.


What are you talking about? They did just that. The other half (according to your very limited data), Not the half that both you and I support, want 5v5 & are literally being satisfied with it not being 6v6. The other half and some people on both sides think those are good changes.

Do you guys say things just to type out replies for the heck of it?

Microsoft wont allow this. Will cost a huge money

what good changes have they made recently? The only ones i can think of are somewhat decent skins and the mirrorwatch event, prior to that its just dodging what the community wants. They had the season 9 dps passive which came as a result of high healing needing to be dealt with, which came as a result of high damage that stemmed from the lack of the second tank to mitigate this extra damage, prior to that it was just players complaining about how stupid mauga was as a solo tank.

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I can assure you, alot of support players prefer 6v6. 5v5 was mainly a dps desire


Ive knownw 6v6 for years. Who is this new 5v5 devil. He is strange and gross

no I dont need you to make assumptions and twist my opinion. and there is no desperation. I am pointing out the behavior pattern it is. my only real gripe about it is that its constant whining and I and many on both sides over it. Again you seem to also mirror the pattern of someone with nothing valid to contribute by attacking the messenger not the message. but please continue the coping.

Literally everything human beings have done since the development of agriculture was to change the environment to serve our own needs.

What assumption? You asked where they got 50% from - they show you the poll from Jake (skewing 5v5 from a pro-5v5 personality) and you say “Twitter lol”. Rest of the polls done skewed 6v6. I acknowledge polls always have some sort of bias but it’s interesting to see where the voting tends to end up across a variety of media platforms. You don’t seem interested in that.

Ok. People whine about a lot of things. :person_shrugging: You’re whining about whining, that’s always a fun one.

I didn’t attack you, I inferred meaning from what you said and what you chose to ignore or invalidate, contrary to what you think you’re saying.



same here, the point of the metaphor is you don’t know that’s the risk. we know that the team is different, and concepts and directions are also. so who’s to say going back will be the same or even solve the problem? and what new issues come about because of it.
just looking a precedents for blizzard. like wow classic you think you do but you dont!
and you could say ah ha they caved and gave in with classic. and yes. it was great for a time. but now… nobody plays it anymore. just full of bots and lone diehards. and have instead come up with various iterations to keep numbers. point is that is one possible situation that could arise from this. they cave everyone rejoices for a time, then reality sinks in and people just leave except samito minded vets and any new players stuck in the echo chamber. not saying it wont happen but historically the company has data of what happens when they fully cave to few.

you did. to clarify
telling me to admit to something and im desperate is the attack, now I mean an attack in the sense of your response was targeted me directly perhaps instead of attack changed the focus

It does come across as desperate when you ignore data and continue spitting the same thing you just had explained to you. :person_shrugging: You don’t have to like it, but it comes across that way.

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I can’t … :joy:


I’m not going to pretend I have any dogs in this race, but that mindset of yours is plain pathetic. Nobody got anything they wanted accomplished by throwing in the towel and just accepting a condition they find unfavorable.

Also they aren’t “whining” there’s literal conversation and solutions being shared here. Enough people seem to agree with them, it’s just a matter of what they are going to do with those numbers. I just don’t see any point in crapping on people like this when you could easily just scroll on by


I think the points you’re making outside of the 5v5 6v6 debate make sense. I was thinking about the specific topic of this thread.

It’s fine that we prefer 6v6. But again, what makes your or my opinion about that preference more important than players who’d prefer 5v5?

I asked that before. We’ve had several years to play the 6v6 format and many say it didn’t work. Now the devs are trying to make 5v5 work. Again I personally would rather go back to 6v6, but to act like they are being cruel to us is strange. All the foot stomping from some people on the forums isn’t going guarantee us bringing back 6v6. It’s okay. Nothing lasts forever.