Spin to Win is Gone Forever

Would be ok with the nerf if they reverted the grapple CD on respawn, since spawn rollouts are gone.
This was done because people cried about “Ball stalling” so now at least let the hero come out faster.

First, there’s more than 10 heroes with stuns / abilities that can screw up ball’s movement and hard countering exist in this game, so if the enemy team was getting stalled by a ball, it was most probably their own fault (for not switching heroes or using their abilities properly to counter the ball stall)

Secondly, I’m not too upset about this particular nerf, but the fact that they decide to keep pushing through unnecessary DPS buffs to DPS heroes that already outshine half the roster while other heroes like Reaper are incredibly bad.

Powercreep and balance is managed by a group of clowns that have 0 knowledge about what tanking really feels like.

Buffing Rein’s Ult damage won’t help the hero, in fact, it will only make tanking even more miserable, because it will make Rein a must pick, damage numbers go up higher and sustainability won’t be enough for any tank. All tank players complain about EXPLODING as tanks.
We don’t want more damage. We want more survibability.
They could’ve just made Rein’s Shatter back to 3 seconds and it would have been a much healthier buff for the hero and the game overall.
Instead they decided to push through random damage buffs that literally nobody likes, and manage to make the least desirable role in the game, even more garbage.
The only decent change for this whole patch was Moira’s. And that’s because this hero is such a throw pick that literally any kind of buff would be welcome.

I’ve uninstalled this game for the first time EVER. Not because I’m disappointed about thw Ball nerf, but because the development and balance teams have managed to kill the last remaining good will I could have for this game. Not a single piece of content in years, the whole Blizzard scandal, promissing more communication (and failing miserably at keeping their promises) and ignoring us completely to “hint cool news to specific content creators” while the franchise is left to rot, watching other games and franchises I don’t even like go higher and higher, reaching new frontiers, expanding over new crossover games and spinoffs and TV series, while Overwatch… Just dies slowly and painfully.

I’ve had enough incompetence and bad vibes in my life and IMHO I’ve lasted well long with this game, maybe too much. 4 years of nothingness and I would still care about it and hop in to have some fun sometimes.
But tanking has become pure masochism due to powercreep and insane damage outputs.
They could’ve easily fixed the whole tanking role by pushing out 5V5 NOW and adding damage resistance to all tanks, AKA more armour or something. But they instead managed to screw things up more.

I’ve wasted too much time of my life trying to stay posstive and faithful for this game, I even created a huge megathread with community feedback for small QoL updates, wasting my time, love and dedication…

And all of this for what? For nothing. They don’t care about their game, their franchise, their employess nor their community. It seems that with every balance patch they don’t hear their community AT ALL.

I’ve had enough and I’m so broken that I’ve officialy reached a level of disappointment where I not only expect nothingness, but I expect them to finally screw up the last remains of this game so badly that they will finally kill it completely.

This was my sincere opinion and I’m sad, but it’s true.


It was the only change that make sense.

Stalling the point and having to pick counter just for it is incredibly cheesy.


Won’t affect anyone above plat below plat rat is now a throw pick

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oh nooooooooo there back

We knew that was coming, lol they had to fix the Hanzo glitch. I can’t believe they left that in there.

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i was hoping it was going to take 2 days or more

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On 2 cp points, defenders who weren’t previously playing wrecking ball, die, and can then switch to wrecking ball which is extremely effectively particularly if the attackers don’t have a good counter in the current lineup.

This change is good. 2cp is hard enough for attackers already, and defenders already have enough advantages. They don’t need the cheap, brain dead, WB infinite spin tactic on top of everything else.

I have to admit, it’s going to be kinda nice - trying to capture the point of 2CP only to have it foiled by an infinitely spinning hamster because we don’t happen to have any stuns on the team is going to be nice. Maybe he can be compensated in other ways in the future, like removing the “out of spawn” nerf he got last time.

It’s only good for silver players who struggle to fight a Ball spinning in a predictable path. It’s bad for everyone else.


This is good for low ranks and casual players.
It wasn’t a problem at high ranks anyway.

Overall, a good change for the game.

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I don’t think it’ll impact anything outside of stall on certain points. He’ll still be pretty strong, but I welcome any Ball nerf tbh.

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How sad that Blizzard spoils heroes like Roadhog by removing the main weakness of his take a breather ability by allowing him to walk with it AND giving it 50% damage reduction on top of the huge healing it already gives to a 600 HP hero then they don’t add any new drawbacks to using it in return while at the same time they completely neuter a hero that can’t instantly kill heroes by adding tons of restrictions to his most important ability such as a cooldown at start and now a 6 second limit. Well done Blizzard you sure are consistent and fair with game balance.


Spin to win was pretty lame, but the fact he got no compensation was a bit unfair.


Long needed Nerf finally here. Only Gold hammonds cry about this I guess

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This honestly just kills his ability to recover from boops more than anything. Any Ball player that is spinning on a point and doing nothing more than that is usually going to get CC’d into oblivion unless the enemy team is braindead. We have plenty of things to stop “spin to win” such as Shield Bash, Hack, Ice Wall, Freeze, Charge, Hook, Traps, Doomfist as a whole, Flashbang, Accretion, Halt, etc…

But now if he gets booped off the map and isn’t able to recover in 6 seconds, he’s dead and he gives the enemy kill credit for it, which is the biggest nerf imo. So many times I’ve been booped, if I know I can’t recover, I just wait 10 seconds before falling off to prevent giving whoever booped me a ton of ult charge.


Who are the devs doing this for? Yes low skill players don’t know how to shoot or CC a giant spinning ball but why were low rank balls in that elo even a problem in the first place? I thought it was the low rank players complaining about balls feeding non-stop. Devs truly don’t get it.

The previous nerf of spawn hook cooldown needs to be gone in exchange for this


This. If you’re good at Ball, this does NOTHING, because you were never using six seconds staying attached to a wall and not doing something else. If you’re bad at Ball or only use him for stall, this hurts you. And it should. Same way when they gave Defense Matrix a CD: good Dva’s really weren’t hurt that much, bad Dva’s started getting rolled.


It does remove all the cheese spins ball can do, like the spintowin around payload and the less used but more notorious fireball mode when you tether to some underground location. Ball infinitely booping people around with one grapple was fairly stupid.

But as I don’t play ball, I couldn’t say how awkward it is to setup normal grapples now.

Not every hero needs a compensation buff when they get nerfed. He’s still gonna be a strong hero, he just can’t stall on certain points for extended periods now.

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