Spin to Win is Gone Forever

He’s the best main tank, and honestly either the best or 2nd best tank (other one is Dva). For most of the game he’s just a stall hero, but if you can play Ball well you can just win games for free against basically anything. He doesn’t need compensation because he’s still fine with a nerf. And I play a lot of Ball, he’s my 2nd most played hero ever, and I’m glad they’re doing this nerf.

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No, he’s only the best one in GM

That’s like saying ana is not a good healer because she’s not #1 in GM while dominating every other rank.

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So he’s the best main tank, just like I said. If you can PLAY HIM, he’s amazing. People that can’t play Ball don’t count at all for what I said.

And yeah, most of what plat and below plays is determined by popularity and the skill floor of the characters. So they play Rein over Ball because it’s easier to play Rein and it’s easier to play with a Rein. It being the best in GM means it’s the best.

Ana is #1 support in Bronze, does that mean she is the easiest then?

Sorry but I just don’t agree that what the 1% is playing has this much of a huge influence on game changes because Moira received multiple nerfs in the past while being bottom pick in GM.

Unless some bias is going on towards my girl :sob:

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This doesn’t bother me as a Hammond main I don’t spin to win anyways. What is upsetting is more hitscan buffs to a already overtuned Mcree and a nerf to a tank.

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No, it means she’s popular and bronze players think she’s cool.

And the Moira nerfs happened because of six man (or as OWL casters call it, Neo GOATS, which is wrong because it’s not GOATS in anyway but whatever). Six man started to become meta, so they nerfed Moira for it. I definitely don’t think Moira needed to be nerfed at all.

People keep saying this ONLY nerfs spin to win, but it’s just not true. Hanging ambushes are a thing, platform jumping is a thing, pre-loading your grapple to increase reaction time is a thing, using grapple to swing back to land (or rest outside of land to get into the backlines) is also a thing.

It removes a lot of little interactions and that are actually fairly high-skill for an interaction that takes 0 skill to counter.


Does this change really make you quit? Half the time you shouldn’t be spinning endlessly unless you’re an inexperienced ball player or just want to stall things out against bronzes. This change exists only to dry the tears of those who complain about Spin2Win, yes, but it’s not a very impactful change for those who know how to make use of Ball’s kit otherwise

This is one of the most beautiful changes I’ve ever seen in my life

Oh no!


Not really. There is absolutely no reason to give him a compensation buff

Everyone other than the ball mains hated “spin to win”. His team thinks his feeding, the enemy team thinks it’s a cheap move since he runs away to heal and come back to continue in seconds.

As much as I hate ball and wish all ball-players to have a hard time, the spin to win was not the issue. But now, the issue is that if a ball will fail some of his rollouts and hang on the edge of the map trying to go back and forth in order to escape the pit, he would have no chance to do that in 6 seconds for the most cases. I think devs should’ve taken a closer look on his damage numbers of different abilities instead.

Then has was better off dead, because it takes 10s to respawn.

Considering a lot of stuns will be removed in Overwatch 2 I think its appropriate and part if a slow transition

+5-10 seconds to get back and having no way to be in the certain positions being unknown on top of that. Like the roofs on king’s row between 1st and 2nd points, you could’ve stayed on roofs there with the grapple active. And there are multiple other spots like that. It just breaks many skill plays. Spin to win was just one of the most common uses for the grapple. Anyway, I hope there would be fewer balls in games, cause the only dps is practically doable with the ball is tracer, and they make a very oppressive and op synergy imo.

You don’t seem to be a proficient ball player.

There are uses for long grapples that are not infinitely spinning around the point.


I was kinda hoping they would change it to be on a limited resource instead so you can use it for to chain some crazy stunt and have crazy mobility while discoraging just standing around like an idiot but i guess they just wanted to get rid of spin to win without anything to make up :confused:

Literally masters Ball, and I didn’t say there were no uses for it, I said there were no uses for SIX SECONDS. 3 seconds? Yeah, plenty of those? Hell, even 4 or 5, sure. SIX? No way, that’s just stall.

Spin-to-win was really dumb, right from the start. I couldn’t believe Blizzard wanted people to do that. I did get used to it, but still: This should make Hammond players better, if they stick with it.

I admit I’m not a great Hammond player by any stretch, but what annoys me is the principal of the change. They are changing something about a hero that only (and I say this in the least offensive manner I can) bad players complain about. Spin to win is not a hard strategy to counter at all, and yet Ball is being punished from doing so because players would rather complain than improve and counter (in typical Overwatch player fashion, no less)


I don’t quite remember asking your opinion on me queuing tank anymore. Have fun with longer DPS queues because I got a full stack of passes I can burn through and that’s if I’m bothered to play this dead game anymore.

GG bud