Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

It the whole point of overwatch. To have easy heroes that anyone can play

I will rather not exchanged her every other kit so that mass-rez can return. Her every kit is fine as it is, the one who ask for a rework on mercy basically just said that they are bad at using mercy. And your idea will make mercy totally a mass-rez bot.

Her mobility is actually makes her a good pick and you want to nerf that for mass-rez? No thanks. Her non-aim healing is also what makes her good at healing dps character as most of them are mobile and small. This idea is not a buff, it’s a freaking nerfs. All mercy needs is a little buff on her ultimate, and that’s it.

But this is my opinion, and I meant no offense but your idea is very ridiculous to me.

I’d reply but that thread isn’t active anymore. And that thread only nicks at one issue I have on her design.

Then what is the point of even discussing things? :smirk:

You literally make no sense.

The whole point is that they can change heroes to how they see fit. There is no set rulebook they have to follow.

The one who wrote this post obviously can’t play as Mercy (no offense). In the current meta, she might be not as useful as you wish her to be. But she has her own values as a support.

I recommend you read this to see the values that mercy had.

Actually that would be an ok change in my book. (still doesn’t get rid of the sustained healing thou).

I’m inclined to agree in part.

You making the changes to remove sustain damage and healing doesn’t mean it makes the game have hard heroes.

And the point of any game is to be interesting and if it isn’t then its not a sustainably engaging game which is an issue if your business model is a “live service”.

even as a consistent healing it’s bad. it can barely keep up someone on a 1v1 much more in a team fight. the amount of healing output is lowered just for the sake of making the beam infinite. i’d like to see them try out a cooldown on her beam (and probably a new mechanic on dmg boost that helps with the dmg boost change) or a resource meter

The point of the game is to have many different heroes that appeal to many different play styles.

If you got bored of one play style pick another hero and play that for a while.

With how many people can’t stop talking about Mercy and ONLY play her. She probably not the best hero to change that much cause a group of people clearly like her

She is suppose to be good a topping up DPS. If she needs to heal a tank they have shields they can put up while she heals them. If someone guys down she can rez them

She needs a weakness and that is other less mobile healers or healers that can miss their healing shots can have more raw output

My idea increase the SKILL-CELLING on the character is natural people are LAZY and want be OP without efforts

This mercy will force you to handle your resources on a smart way cuz the beam will have AMMO. You will be forced to do a Soft aim-heal similar to moira, your mistakes will be a lot more punishable now increasing 1 sec Guardian angel and only have bunny-jump every 6 secs. Also your beam will heal&boost at same time so you can do to TWO THINGS at same time

The ultimate will be the mass rez people cry for that but this mercy will be EVERYTHING except boring

  1. You don’t need a consistent heal beam to that.
  2. She’s termed to be a “consistent healer” by the Devs not termed as a DPS topping upper.
  3. You’re not a Dev so you don’t have the authority to say what she is for.

That is not interesting gameplay because that lacks in variability controlled by the player. It always heals the same regardless of what you do < not interesting gameplay.

That is really bad TBH… can’t perform your hero’s role well? >>> here’s an undo button for you, but be careful because it removes most your ability to interact with game while you use it.

Rez is seriously uninteresting as result of its non-variable cooldown the lack of variance in the result Rez e.g. not always bringing people back at full health. The result of a Rez is too cut & dry and too non-dependent on the player’s action make it work well or have available.

Like not having consistent healing given away, like not have Rez on a cooldown that is guaranteed, like not having AOE healing << that was an important weakness that was more interesting to keep than to remove. And with those weaknesses above provided the…

… and it all both balances out and maintains good interest in the gameplay.


^what he/she said

if i am to experiment something on mercy i’d try seris’ heal in paladins. it’s a lock-on beam with a 5-second cooldown (which can be further reduced to abt 2 sec through cards). as for the damage boost it can be like an overheal like you cast it for 1 sec. and it leaves a damage boost buff on the ally for like 5 seconds or something.

but yea i really feel that mercy’s problem is she’s too consistent that to compensate her reliability is reduced (50hps, rez cast-time). a good balance on reliability and consistency might be aight to test so she feels better to play as

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Funny then that people are saying she’s used in OWL so must be okay, yet her low level stats are awful.

It takes 6 full seconds to bring a Mech back up from 50%. Whether you like it or not, if the tank needs heals, you’re pocketing. And yes. It’s really annoying when you dash off without having bothered to touch the armour.

Not me playing her. It’s endless torment of having to be healed by her and it just not working, because she doesn’t have the throughput. Last time I played her I realised how bad it was when I I just went :woman_shrugging:t2: Sorry Orisa, guess you can just die, it’ll be quicker to res. It wasn’t even remotely challenging healing for Ana or Moira.

Zen is adequate for topping off, that whole notion suggests there’s no danger. When there is danger he has Transcendence. And he has Discord which is 5x better than boost. She’s basically a worse Zen, even Res can’t be used in particular danger.

Nothing about her kit helps in dangerous positions, she’s not a combat healer. She’s post fight clean up.


Maybe it’s because you main tank. Mercy isn’t build to heal tanks, she is more capable at healing the dps than the other supports. Her mobility allows her to get in and out of fight rather quickly and it also helps her in a comp where everyone spreads out evenly. She isn’t terrible, but the current heavy tank meta most people would think she is. And tanks are usually healed more by either Ana or Moira. In-game, when I use Mercy the other support usually use Ana or Moira and vice-versa when I use either of them in a 2-2-2 comp. That way Mercy can heal the dps and me (Moira or Ana) and I can totally focus on healing the tanks. My point is, she has her value (although her ult needs to be buffed and I personally wants her main healing to be buffed at 60 hps). Other than that, she is pretty fine for me.

Then won’t she will be to much like the other supports? Having ammo (Ana, Baptiste) soft-aim (Moira) super jump has cooldown (Baptiste). And having her beam to heal and damage boost while both of their current value is reduced (heal to 30 hps and damage boost to 25%) it feels more like a nerf than a buff to me. If her primary healing (and damage boosting) is reworked that way then Mercy will be completely useless in non-dps heavy comp.

The most unacceptable idea is that you would want to rework her GA and Super Jump. Those ability is what differentiate her from the other supports right now. Basically you want her to be like other supports but worst.

Mercy is never made to be an “exciting” character as her kits is suitable for beginners. Rather than changing her whole kit to make her “fun” to play, why don’t you use her current kits and make those more exciting to play.

If you still think mercy is a boring character to play, than why did you (or any other people that think she is boring) play as her. Use Moira, Ana or Lucio then. Between all supports they have the most “penalty” if you use their skill wrong.

The only thing that needs a rework is her ultimate. Compare to other supports, her ultimate is rather impactless.

She is already a worse Zenyatta. Weaker damage boost, even when ulting not enough healing to cover more than a post fight top off, and instead of being able to make a team save, she might rescue one.

Okay so she has better mobility. To spread what around exactly?

Literally talking about a once main healer here as an inferior off-healer. It’s pathetic.


looks at Zenyatta, a meta hero

Looks at Transcendence, the biggest burst healing in the game.