Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

Yeah they better not stop there TBH they have quite a bit to do, but maybe with the added competition and shareholder pressure they might get moving on things. :sleeping:

Agree I am sure the Share holdes are like please fix mercy right now

:rofl: yeah sure :rofl:

That’s ok GA is the real fun in playing Mercy.

:sweat_smile: :rofl:

Rez isn’t interesting and very lacking in fun as a result (plus it sucks when it used on you or against you) being OP does not make it entertaining.

The flight has interest but rest is a reduction in interest since chained beams remove the engagement of beam switching and infinite ammo isn’t interesting since that removes resourcefulness. And Different uses does necessarily make it good but certainly can make something drab something Valk is good at doing.

Yeah IDK why anyone actively wants to choose it for themselves. I don’t “pocket-bot” when I play Mercy since I like having a positive effect on the whole team and I like to look out for my fellow support and I hope they will do the same thou I play as best as I can to avoid needing their help.

More like make us more money than you did last year…

Blizzard is going to have a fun year this year with all their new IPs coming out right? :sweat_smile:

how will buff mercy change that

I think you might have missed my point on the remove all sustained healing and damage part in the game these are not Mercy exclusives btw.

In my experience, a lot of silver and gold players think they are deserving of diamond or better but have been held back by bad luck. Such players then adopt the characters played in higher tiers figuring theyll need to be good at said characters as they rise to “where they should be”

I think she could be better served by doing nothing than a buff.

or you could have both to have variety

She’s the most boring hero nowadays. She needs more decision making abilities.

There nothing wrong with being boring, not everyone wants a complicated hero that is the whole point of mercy

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?


Even better, while she can be played by a novice, she can also be mained successful in M, GM, and t500 tiers

I think 50 / 60 doesn’t matter because the amount does not make for more interest in the ability’s use, but limitations such as resource and proximity can make for a more varied healing which requires more engagement and creates interest as a result which is a key factor in the “fun potential” for an ability.

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There is no point of anything. They can make heroes however they seem fit.

and this is what they picked for Mercy

this guy has got it.

I love pulling off a successful rez, myself

What do you know what they intended or want to do with Mercy?

And they can literally change heroes whenever they want to. Look at the reworks they’ve done before.

No “boring” is a poor design and missing the point of a game. Complexity might sound scary to some but it is a key to making a truly more engaging experience and anything less is poor taste on the Dev team’s part.

However, if I were in the Dev team I wouldn’t be able to give it my all in the design of the game at this point in time considering the M.V.P. attitude of the company’s C level executives that has been prevailing for a long while now. And I don’t see the Devs having good moral in way things have been going for Blizzard over the past year.