Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

Ah yes. transcendence. his ultimate.
truly the best source of consistent burst in the game /s

He’s an off healer, so is Mercy. Which you want with your Ana or Moira? And why do you want him? For that consistent Orb healing?

Mercy is not an off healer, considering her one is a dumbass idea
She brings consistent healing. Just because she lost 10hps doesn’t change the fact shes only outhealed by Moira across the ladder.

Zen also brings consistent healing. The stats on overbuff don’t include Lucio Barriers or Brigitte Armour, so you can go through and add those in and Mercy starts to look a lot worse in reality.

I’m not sure I’d count Sound Barrier as ‘healing’ anyway, considering its fast rapidly decaying shields. And why are we considering armor?
You specified burst Healing.

Armour Packs are burst healing, and like shields, it’s effective health that prevents players being burst through.

yes, so why count the armor and not just the healing?
Green is healing. Its not like Brig doesn’t heal a lot :woman_shrugging:

Because armour adds more effective health.

It would certainly help, but it’s not the final solution. Valkyrie would need to be potentially nerfed (e.g. less duration, less freedom of flight and no unlimited ammo) to make it sit well in a standard slot. Resurrect may need the slow adjusting or even removed, but could probably still have less of other controls outside of movement while the action is being executed. The cancelling radius may need a slight buff (different from the initial radius) to stop mistaken cancellations due to the increased freedom of movement again, this radius should also be highlighted so that the Mercy player knows the boundary.

This sounds good! And make it to where if she’s in Valk she get’s some sort of boost to Rez. Maybe not instacast, but it could reduce her Rez cooldown when used in Valk. It might add more of a skillful feeling to her as well, which is what some have wanted.

I guess we’re talking rework territory though. uwu

Quick question, can zen hold on to a point all by himself? No, but mercy can. All she has to do is tell her allies to spread out well and she can contest the point by herself. Sure, it’s teammate dependent, but at least it is an ability that she has.

Oh, wait lucio, brig and moira can also do that. Can they heal a teammate where they are far away and only mercy can reach them? Wait, Moira and Brig can heal them by orbs and armor. Yeah, they can. But, do you really wants to heal a one critical dps with orb or armor when you’re tank needs them more? This is where Mercy came to play. Sure, there is Ana who can also heal them in a far range. But that means she has to shoot them and if you can’t shoot you’re teammate with a small hitbox and they keep constantly moving, you’re screwed.

Damage boosting, where zen can only debuff one ally and mercy can buff one teammates and if that teammate has aoe damage then mercy can make that teammate deal more damage to every enemy that receive the damage. Where zen can only debuff one enemy at a time.

Mercy has her strength as a main support. Do I really have to list them one by one? And do I also need to list her strength compare to the other support?

You know what’s pathetic? Ignoring every positive quality a human possess (or in this case, a character). That’s pathetic.

She’s a video game character that underperforms and doesn’t bring a lot to the team. That’s very different from an actual human being.


I think this person hates Mercy, for whatever twisted reason. Probably because they never got resurrected by a Mercy before lol.

As soon as Blizzard complied to “pro” players and created power creeps dps.

Ohh, Ignoring everything I said above and focus on my mistake. How typical.

Mercy is a off healer, It’s like having a zen who need to be close range to heal you and can dmg boost only one person at a time, Zen is more a main healer than mercy dude its amazing to read your opinion, please keep being yourself <3

This by definition is not holding on her own. Zen stalls with Transcendence with regularity.

Damage boosting, Mercy can boost an ally, Zen debuffs an enemy meaning everyone on your team gets the benefit. This is mathematically better even than a full efficiency Valkyrie boost, because Zen gets to shoot as well.

It’s not about focusing on one mistake, everything in your post was wrong.

And everything in your post is also wrong. Zen can hold IF he has transcendence. Mercy can hold on without valkyrie. Yes, she doesn’t exactly hold on the point by herself. But do you really want your widow or ashe to stay on point where all mercy has to do is fly to each of them constantly?

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I mean, both Ashe and Widow have tools to keep touching the point on their own, I don’t even know what you’re arguing here; if you got Mercy, Ashe and Widow still holding, you’re not necessarily really in a terrible situation to start with. Mercy isn’t doing this alone, so it’s not what you argued a case for; it’s a very fringe thing she can do that isn’t very necessary. If you’re clutch holding on your own, then Mercy of all heroes is probably the most screwed of anyone.

idk mate, whenever me and friends encounter a team with a mercy that has just a little bit of communication between them, that mercy becomes a nightmare to deal with.