Sooooo... OW2 no longer will have PvE?

I mean, it’s not even really OW2 without PVE. It’s just OW 1.2 with a massive update.

Most developers wouldn’t even label it a sequel. Labeling it as such is to divorce itself from the mess that is OW1, even though it is just a massive 1.2 update.

So yeah I have no qualms criticizing this move. No PVE on release is idiotic. It’s what they’ve been discussing and hyping for literal years, and now it’s not even releasing in October when the 1.2 update hits.

It’s quite laughable how poorly this developer manages it’s titles.

They 100% deserve it. No amount of damage control will change the fact that we were lied to.

I’m not here to argue semantics. Everyone who is paying the bare minimum of attention understands what is being referred to when the devs talk about “OW2 PVP”

Nope. People who didn’t lie do not deserve to be called liars :+1:

But they did, and for two years straight

Nope. They made plans and then changed them, then directly communicated the change with us. No lies, only your own weird expectations based on wilful ignorance. Just searching desperately for reasons to be mad.

Yeah, it’s called “lying”

Changing plans is not lying, no :joy:

If they hadn’t communicated the change with us you might actually be onto something, but they did. Explicitly.

PvE content is still mentioned on the OW2 website though

They’ve had all the art team focused on the battle pass.

It will make infinitely more money then game sales from OW2 PVE.

Right, because there is still an intention to release PVE content. Again, they explicitly told us this :man_facepalming:

What’s not clicking?

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Yeah, so oct 4 th release isn’t OW2, it’s a balance patch

You’re free to call it whatever you want, as is Blizzard. Hell, call it OW69 if that gives you a laugh.

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i paid for the game and the game became free at a later date. All we get is two recolors with a hat and a mystery gift.
At least make it 2-3 legendary skins like ow1 bonus pack.
That’s still 60 bucks i spent on a game with the promise of more free content to come, which lasted a few years and then it was gone. Many f2p games offer more content than overwatch does.

So yeah, corporate bootlicker, i’m not happy a big corporation is showing me the middle finger repeatedly but i’m supposed to take it because WHY WON’T SOMEONE THINK ABOUT THE POOR MULTI BILLION COMPANY WITH MORE LAWSUITS THAN GAMES

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And you got to play the game for a good 6 years before they made it free.

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The video of the 16th is not the one from yesterday, let’s see if it gets you into your head, the one from yesterday lasted 2 minutes, the one from THURSDAY 43 minutes, or don’t you see the difference?

And PvE as we’ve said a bunch of times, sometime in 2023.

oh my, what a privilege, i played i game i paid for.
And the time and money i spent on it is worth two hats.

christ that boot must taste real good.

Yep. And you got to play it for 6 years before anyone that waited until now to get it for free.

You’re here whining about getting 6 year early access and you want to be taken seriously :joy:

you know, it’s pretty funny you had to downgrade ow1 into being “early access” so that your stupid spiel can even make a lick of sense.
I wish i could use stronger words but holy smokes you are a genuine tool.

Yeah, you got to access it 6 years earlier than anybody else who waited. I’m obviously not referring to the stage of development. Come on dude put some effort in :joy:

No please. Go ahead, you’d be doing the forums a great service.