Sooooo... OW2 no longer will have PvE?

It will but will be launching later hence why it is called early access.

I think Team 4 needs to make clear why they calling it “Early Access”. Many players think that it’s just a public beta before the release + think OW2 is a seperate client. (which is not true)

PvE is separate from PvP. They’re releasing PvP early access first. PvE will come later.

But we’ll see on the 16th what news we have.

every game offers compensation when going f2p, i’m criticizing ow for doing an extremely poor job at it. It’s two recolors with a hat.
I don’t consider the “privilege” of playing the game earlier enough. Most games i paid for didn’t go f2p, so no, “playing them” isn’t really an excuse, since ow is a worse deal than those.

I will never understand people that defend anti-consumer practices, you’re not getting blizzard bucks

Why should they give you an entire new game for free for buying the first one? That’s nonsense. Everything PvP is going to be free. The PvE will be the thing to buy if you want it.

I know you don’t consider it. That’s the hilarious thing.

are you genuinely saying paying to play a game is a privilege?

This is right. What I can imagine is that on Thursday they revealing all content they have shown / teased in the release date trailer such as:

  • Junker Queen
  • Redesigns
  • Battle Pass (Charms, Weapon Inspector animations, etc.)
  • New Maps
  • Showcase of the Beta 2 Content + Release Date for Beta 2
  • (Roadmap)
  • more

Junker Queen will probably Hero 34 for Beta 2.

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Getting to play a game 6 years before anybody else is most certainly a privilege, yes.

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My life only revolves around her now.

I said what I said.

Understandable! She looks like a really cool and fun to play Tank hero! :slight_smile:

so, what about the games that i paid for that didn’t go f2p? am i even more privileged to play those?
What if, let’s say, your house was made free so that anyone could live in it and all you got told was “you got the privilege of living in it alone for X years, shut up and take these two bumper stickers”?
Are you starting to understand how dumb your spiel is?

Of course you don’t.

I don’t even think you’ll understand why that analogy is so terrible, but oh well. If someone else owns the house that you live in, they are very much within their rights to tell you that :joy:

i knew you would focus on that instead of the first sentence because you’re arguing in bad faith by now. You just went for the easy to argue point (which you still misunderstood) and not the other one.
You can take your win.
though sheer densness and corporate bootlicking, but you win.

Blizzard will definetely be happy that you defended their anti-consumer business practices.

The answer to your first comment is yes. You are privileged to play a game that you paid for.
Sorry I just figured that was so obvious there was no point addressing it (Perhaps that was a mistake though, I’ve been arguing against so much nonsense on here today that my brain may as well be mush)

Oh thank you. I am oh so grateful for your divine validation, my liege :joy:

Glad we could clear all this up. I feel like we really made some progress here. Talk soon mate.

Expect PvE somewhere in 2023 or 2024. PvP is the bread and butter for OW. It will continue that way. PvE is nice but in the end more or less just a few months gameplay at most.

I mean… People have played L4D2 for far, far longer than that with gameplay with far, far less depth.

Stop right there. L4D2 is a PvE game at heart and was from the beginning. OW2 will be more or less archives mission+ with a few things here and there like levels.

Please: dont expect OW2 to be as huge as giant PvE titels. You set yourself up for dissapointment. You cant compare it to like Boarderlands, Warframe or L4D2.

You can definitely compare it to L4D2. Anyone can see that the fundamental gameplay style is the same.

Difference is L4D2 has a lot less depth in its gameplay compared to what they’ve shown of OW2’s PVE gameplay. Doesn’t make L4D2 a bad game at all, but it does make the sentiment that people will only play OW2’s PVE for a few months seem very strange.

unless they paywall competitive