Sooooo... OW2 no longer will have PvE?

That was pretty much the only reason I was willing to pay (again) for the game…


Nobody knows, especially after the BRILLIANT pr move to hype their “release” of news for the 16th three times and then release that video on the 12th.

The usual :clown_face: - show.


The game is literally free, what’s this talk about paying for it again?

PVE is still happening (and most likely won’t be free), but not right away.


Good news! You dont have to pay for anything!

Bad news… no pve yet.


Alright, yall need to read what I wrote again, but pay attention to the highlighted words:

That was pretty much the only reason I was willing to pay (again) for the game…

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You never would have needed to pay “(again)” for the game.


PVE might have a separate release I think

To answer your question, PvE has pretty much been put on the back burner for PvP. They were going through development hell with PvE and were getting nowhere fast, so they decided to focus on PvP instead so they could sate the community while making PvE. Sadly i honestly would not expect PvE to come any time close to soon.


You never would have needed to pay for OW2 PVP anyway - even before the F2P announcement, Blizzard had said that PVP was free for people that owned Overwatch 1. Paying again was never on the cards.


Instead of two skins and an icon as a “reward” for purchasing OW1, they should give the PvE access for the founders, and keep their monetisation in both areas.

Sad… One of the things I most loved in Overwatch was the background, story and characters.

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That’s just not realistic - you paid $40-60 6 years ago to subsidize the cost of developing Overwatch 1. Since then, the size of the development team has more-than doubled and they’ve spent years working on OW2 PVE content. They have to recover those costs somehow. The fact that you paid for Overwatch 1 doesn’t entitle you to every piece of work the Overwatch team produces in perpetuity.


Same. But im not too worried. PvP is full of personality. Animations look better than ever and voicelines are fairly crisp. Junkerqueens trailer looked really clean too. I feel we’ll still get a good amount of that even before the PvE release.


Hence what I said I would be willing to pay for the game if it had PvE. Which it doesn’t seem the case anymore, which leads back to the post title.

They dropped PvE altogether

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As of this week when AndyB confirmed they haven’t, they haven’t.

They’re just releasing PVP first.


Source, please? 20 chars

I don’t remember cause

Must’ve not seen it then. Timestamp, please?

Andy is one of the playtesters and confirms that PvE is still being developed.


They 100% did not drop PvE. Thats an absurd statement. There’s no way they’d build 70% of the hype for the game around pve then just cancel it.