Sooo done with Doomfist?

The Sombra buffs will delete Doomfist even after his changes. Sombra will be new anti-flanker meta and Doomfist doesn’t stand a chance when his abilities are all he really has to work with.

“Did you bring me a present?”

IIRC: That is correct. He burst onto the scene with a 60-ish% win rate out of the gate.

I make no qualms about it, the RP hitbox at launch was absurdly large. That said, it is ridiculous small on live. I’d still prefer they fix his bugs before trying to balance him, though, as I’ve gotten pretty used to the tiny RP hitbox these days.

If they were to buff Doomfist more, I’d give him 50 shields per ability hit in exchange for 60% faster decay. That way he isn’t a snowballing monster yet he is stronger in the mid-fight. I’d also raise maximum shields to 200. If they had to increase his RP hb, they should just make it equal his model and be done with it.

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I wouldn’t mind a survivability buff. I definitely think that’s the way to go with him overall if you start buffing him. His damage is so front loaded already that I’d be afraid to tinker with that end too much.

But again, I’m still in the camp that bug fixes could go a long way. I routinely die in scenarios where an enemy would’ve died if the bugs were fixed (wall slides, slam reg/cancels). My survivability would increase on its own as a byproduct of having few enemies alive if they simply found a way to clean up his current abilities.


For sure. But the bugs you listed are rare and basically his only issues with the addition of the Rocket Punch movement bug. (Which really isn’t a bug, it happens to Reinhardt too.) Fixing these issues would help but it’s like saying the only thing hindering Sombra is her ghost throw translocators, which are incredibly rare and only matter in even fewer situations.

I think Doomfist’s going to need a little more changes to be viable. Maybe hitbox reduction?

His change is only for his primary gun - it really doesn’t resolve a lot of standing issues with him.

He could do with a larger rocket punch box so he doesn’t keep ghosting through enemies. As well as slightly more shield gain when his abilities do hit.

As well as a slightly increased upper cut by 2m so he can actually reach the 2nd floor in places like Numbani.

We disagree here. I encounter wall sliders nearly every game. Sometimes it’s 1 or 2 and other times it’s 4 or 5. Slam bugs (some variation) happen about once every 3 games or so for me. For the movement part… it might not be a bug, but it’s certainly annoying.

That said, I’m not saying you fix those and he’s magically a good character. He’d still need some type of buff (again, preferably to make him less squishy), but you’re going to have a significantly more accurate starting point to develop that buff for than what we currently have. When you start buffing and nerfing heroes that suffer from notable bugs with balance in mind , you’re running a risk of creating an imbalance when fixing said bugs. That’s a situation I’d like to avoid if possible.

I just want a SLIGHTLY bigger RP hitbox and maybe a slight buff to his passive (maybe 35 to 40 shield instead) yet people act like: “you want to buff his RP! You want it to be as big as launch! You just need to git gud!” Even though I keep saying SLIGHT buff to RP hitbox.

Edit: also would it kill them to allow us to alter the RP crosshairs? I would like to change that dot from white to like green (or another noticeable color).

Rocket Punch no longer ghosts at all. It is fixed.

Still ghosts happened to me 3 days ago.
I punched an Orrisa point blank and went right through her.

My winrate on Doomfist as sitting at 60% for comp right now, and I never thought he felt viable ; at least when compared to the other options. The reason he was so strong back then was the bigger hit box on Rocket punch AND it’s immense power as an ability. I wouldn’t want Rocket punch buffed any since it is so powerful. I go on record saying that I WANT Rocket punch to be a skill shot. They could even nerf it a bit more, only if they buff the rest of his kit to match.

I have a clip on Youtube from this patch where I ghost punch through 2 tanks within 20 seconds, so no, it’s not really fixed yet.

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I track and record all bugs I get with Doomfist and I run into AT LEAST 3 per game.

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Last time they changed doomfist, aside from bug fixing, was 6 months ago.

So realistically speaking, he will probably get his buff for the ammo recovery rate and be left in the dirt for another 6 months.


Give Doomfist a special passive that reduces duration of crowd control effects on him, flashbang and other cc abilities thanks to his technological savvy.

In the case of Sombra vs Doomy her hack should take maybe 2x longer on him assuming he has some sort of encryption technology.

He is supposed to be a brilliant engineer who fights in close quarters right? Give him the upgrade he needs… more resistance to crowd control abilities.

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That sounds about right on how the devs treat doomfist.

They haven’t even begun to address his bugs. They just adjusted his primary fire so far. Something they didn’t even have on the ‘To Do’ list.

I’m beginning to suspect they can’t fix his bugs.


Despite his bugs he would be way more reliable with just some tweaks to his survival. I have played enough Doomfist that the bugs don’t even really phase me except for once in a great while. They just need to give Doomy some resistance to CC abilities and he will be in a great place.

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