Sooo done with Doomfist?

The crosshair wasn’t even close to Reinhardt at all. This is your worst example yet. In addition, I would imagine Charge has a larger hitbox than Rocket Punch simply because Reinhardt is literally bigger. Thus, Reinhardt wins side by side every time because Charge connects and pins before Doomfist lands his punch. You aren’t even trying.

I’m sure looking at them right now.

Here, have some more of those juicy definitely not ghost punches


It’s like 3 out of 4 rocket punch hits ends with the enemy sliding off the wall unhurt.

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Hilarious. Thank you, you did not disappoint. It was fun to read.


I already told you that jumping over Rocket Punch is 100% bug. I also told you why it was happening. Meanwhile, you haven’t even tried to explain why these things are occurring. You would think that you would want to know everything you could about why these things were happening so you could try to avoid them/get them changed. But I guess complaining mindlessly works too.

So what explanation do you have to why Rocket Punch should have hit there? Do you have any explanation at all?

Does “clipping through reinhardt” count as an explanation for you? i really doubt you would recognize a ghost punch even if one hit you in the head.

Oh wait, it can’t hit anything.


That is indeed the question. Why would they want to, after all, Genji is one of the reasons OWL is enjoyable to watch. Having a direct counter to him wouldn’t be…preferred…at least until Jeff gets tired of watching Genji.

He went through Reinhardt’s hammer, which has no hitbox. Next.

Just :woman_facepalming:

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Confirmed from Jeff, they ARE still working on Doomfist.


The change is still on PTR, so doomfist didn’t receive his buff yet. So it is still in the process. If i had to guess, this is what he meant. Don’t expect there is anything more than that, you will probably get disappointed.

I personally would love more changes, i was just disappointed too much over the game’s life time and now i get my hopes a bit more realistic.

I hope he is not just talking about the ptr reload thing and means they going to add something else.

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I’m still wistfully hopeful they see the feedback and plan more aside from the primary fire changes. I hope and pray.


100% playable? Are we just disregarding his frequent game breaking bugs? You know, the bugs that plague every single one of his abilities besides hand cannon?


I can’t believe this person is arguing that these aren’t ghost punches. You’re clipping right through characters and then taking a charge? Doomfist is the buggiest character in the game and playable doesn’t mean good.

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Some people are very stubborn. The solution is to just walk past them, there is no hope there that they will comprehend it.

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Even though Jeff said that they need to finish Doomfist and other heroes before sym I think he means the current PTR version of the big ol villain. It would be nice to get some clarification if possible since it is not exactly clear.

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If tweaking the gun is all they think Doomfist needed I’ve lost hope for this game and the balancing team.

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I just want to know after they tweak his gun if they have anything more planned for him, I still will try to play him more to get better, but just hoping for some clarity on their short term plans.