So...more legendary skins this year than any other year...?

We asked for something different, and by god the monkey’s paw delivered.


I thought the three events that got replaced by Remix were Archives, Anniversary and SUmmer Games.

Mage Mercy and White Cat look awesome, you can keep the rest…


Yes, seemingly; but I will place a bet that when Halloween rolls around it’ll be a remix event as well.

The monkey’s paw analogy couldn’t be more apt haha.


You are waiting for something that was never a thing.

I was hoping for a thing, not waiting.

It’s possible that until Halloween OW2 PvP is released. It could be possible that we can expect a completely new Halloween Event, internally the Remix Event was called „Best Of OW1 Event“. So it could mean we are almost at the finish line of OW2 PvP.

“Normally” we’d get 5 new legendary skins+others per event.

I get the sense what they’re trying to say is “This is the best we could do for you guys for now, please have some patience with us while we make a final push to get OW2 retail-ready, all our resources are going into that. It’ll take us at least 3 events”. So I guess we can hopefully expect OW2 release sometime after Summer Games and probably before Christmas.

I wish they just said it that way instead of how they’re (imo) misstepping and going about it, but I’m not the people in charge of how they choose to communicate. They seem to be operating in a (non-pandemic-style) secretive way like the world and gaming industry is normal, when it’s very much not. There’s also been a lot going on at the company for the last year and change, so I guess this is how it is.

I am in no way wanting to seem like I’m defending it/them, just throwing out a theory… A GAME THEORY (sry)

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Is this an april fool’s joke sentence? It takes 15 seconds to swap the colors of those skins for each one. Thank God they god paid thousands of dollars for 2 hour work in total.


Get ready for the season pass and overpriced skins once OW2 “Free to Play” PvP is released!


Blizzard trying to distract people from the bad design and poor work ethic by making everything white. There is a joke here somewhere but I can’t quite put my finger on it.


We can forget until OW2… unfortunately…

If this event was going to unlock all skins for all heroes in OW1 design version before changing to OW2 design, i still don’t understand why OWL grey skins weren’t included. Also we forget that there was also World Cup skins which could have been included in this event.

Any plans or adding new achievements on the remixes?

Is it safe to assume that you didn’t read the full content of that and/or my following post?

Here’s a tldr:

  1. Even though it’s a beta, it’s the first of several and even if we most of us don’t get to play (which I literally mention) we get to see how thigs are shaping up. And eventually there will be one or two open betas. I can wait.
  2. Devs are a resource and they’re choosing to get this beta and future ones out to us sooner. The compromise is lighter events, some recolors, and some new skins
  3. Even the “smallest” of changes (something like color) can cause issues to show up. (I gave examples).
  4. In the corporate world there a lot of things happening in the background that never get seen (I gave personal examples)
  5. We should have reasonable expectations

In other words, the game is actually for real dead and be happy you get literally anything despite it being an online multiplayer game. I didn’t ignore your points I just think it’s a sad excuse. “Sorry guys we can’t give content for 3 years because all the content is coming in ow2”. “Sorry guys we can’t even do the bare minimum because we’re working on ow2”. I don’t disagree that it takes effort to make even just skins.

They don’t have an excuse for doing nothing and even less now while they stockpile content for the sequel. That’s how I see it. I guess if we take their methodology as the correct way to go about things (which I don’t agree with) then yes this is the best they can do. My point is that this is the wrong way to go about things and it was a failure from the start.

They’re treating overwatch similarly to something like monster hunter world. The game is online, it got updates every couple of months for free with new monsters and armor. The difference is monster hunter had that expectation and business model from the start. Overwatch had the expectation of constantly adding stuff. Then they just stopped doing that while they “redefined the sequel”

My bad I guess for expecting an online pvp game to see regular content. Every mmo I’ve ever played saw regular content releases. They were all f2p game let’s be fair but then maybe ow should’ve gone f2p ages ago if that’s what it took to get the resources they needed.


That’s how I would describe OW2 info in general actually :sweat_smile:

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You have grossly overestimated the recolors. It’d be fine if we got one or two recolors among new skins. Heck, that’d be good use of the weekly challenge skins. But a whole event of just recolors with nothing new being added to the game, in fact with events being removed from the game instead, is a slap in the face, and is quite frankly insulting. I hope this is just a poorly handled April Fools joke, but I have zero faith in Blizzard at this point.


I’ve been using Sporty Tracer skin for 6 years now. :sunglasses:

Dont misunderstand. I get the frustration.
Feel free to look at my comment history, but most of my comments are criticizing the current state of overwatch.

Yes, the current state is sad. I 100% agree. We all know they screwed up.

My argument is that with the current closed beta on the horizon, more on the way, and eventually open betas after that, we’re closer than ever to more consistent updates and actually getting the game in our hands.

We had years with nothing, but now we can expect multiple betas, updates on OW2, and showcases this year. If we can consistently get updates on OW2 then I’m fine with OW1 petering out a bit. I think that’s reasonable.

To quote myself:

I’ve never said the current state of OW is excusable.
All I’ve said is that OW2 is finally at a point where we can see consistent updates and that our expectations of OW1 content should be reasonable.

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