So...more legendary skins this year than any other year...?

Oh wow, the same exact thing we are told every time from the overwatch time. How shocking.


I mean, you’re the PR professional and all, I’m not…

but it seems obvious that some customers are going to be disappointed when you state ‘more legendaries than ever this year’, then the first thing they see are a dozen recolours and ‘no more info, sorry’

expectation management…

this is pretty close to blaming the customer for not liking the product

(personally I rather like the mercy skin…)


Read the room, Andy. We’re sick of getting nothing but skins as “content”

Skins don’t refresh gameplay. Skins don’t make the game fun again.


I just wanna know if I’ll ever get my sweet, sweet Marammat skin

Respectfully AndyB, the lack of engaging content for the last few years disrespects the time, money, and effort the community has poured into this game.

Given Blizzard’s lack of support for OW, it’s company history and it’s treatment of employees, I’d be careful with who you’re calling out if you’re going to start throwing the term “disrespect” around. What’s that they say about people living in glass houses?


There were 13 weekly challenge “mini-event” skins. This remix event Vol 1 contains the first 3 of those 13: Nano (D.Va), Bastet (Ana), and Medic (Baptiste). The remaining skins are, in chronological order of release:
Brick (Bastion), Dr. Ziegler (Mercy), Mardi Gras (Ashe), Maestro (Sigma), Comic Book (Tracer), Marammat (Symmetra), Kyōgisha (Hanzo), Pachimari (Roadhog), Deadlock (Ashe), and Sandstorm (Cassidy).

Assuming Remix Vol 2 and 3 will also be 3 weeks long with 1-week challenges, and also assuming they continue the re-release of these skins in chronological order, Marammat should be the Week 3 reward for the Vol 3 event.

There’s a handful of assumptions and speculation there, and Blizz may or may not want to do some other promotion to give a second chance for the 4 remaining skins, but I think the odds are in your favor for a second chance at that skin.


My soul is ready for this

I just took witch Mercy’s textures and recreated the ‘‘new look’’ Mercy skin in photoshop, within the span of less than 30 minutes.

I also just took the blackhardt skin and inverted its colors, and basically got the ‘‘new look’’. Literally took me less than 5 minutes.

This is definitely not something that ‘‘required work from all aspects of the art pipeline’’.


The fact that people are disappointed in this implies that they expected to get more than this for OW1, which I don’t get. Blizzard has already had the grand unveiling of their 2022 strategy, and it entails getting OW2 out ASAP. That’s all anyone should be expecting from them at this point.

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You really comparing your Photoshop work with professional game developers artist work???

You know that they need to create concept art, team discussions / feedback of the team is needed in order to find the right color palette, editing the existing textures require also time. There is QA work too… there are so many stages before the skin even enters the game…


It’s even worse. We are actively not getting new “content” because they are doing away with old events. Here’s what we gain:

  • Reskinned existing skins that probably took an hour to adjust the old models.
  • The chance for players to get weekly skins they missed.

Here is what we lost to get this:

  • New limited edition weekly skins that released alongside every event. There 3 less NEW skins per event.
  • Actual new legendaries.
  • Actual new epics.
  • New Highlight intros.
  • New Voicelines.
  • New Emotes.
  • New sprays (eh).

For years we’ve been complaining that the only content we are getting is new skins, sprays etc. in events. Now we don’t even get that, just re-releases of existing skins that all use the same base colour. Thanks Blizzard.

Oh and if you are like me and played every exclusive skin event because that’s the only thing they had to keep people interested in the game for 3 years? Yea that time was wasted too because I could’ve just got them during these events and I bet if you already own the skin, you won’t get any sort of reward.


You know, it’s very apparent that they only said this to distract people and keep them happy after lunar new year got so much hate for only having 2. I firmly believe that what they meant was "ow2 is gonna come out sometime in 6-8 months, and you’ll get a huge batch of legendaries then so be happy :). Which is a joke. It really is.

It’s misleading the playerbase to believe that other events were gonna be better, when that’s not what it was at all. Let’s say ow2 comes out and 50 new skins are available. Even if they’re not too hard to obtain (i.e, you don’t pay for them with real money as monetization) even then who cares? we’re gonna get new heroes and maps anyway. Like the skins will be the least of what people are gonna be interested in. Why mention more legendaries than any other year as if it’s any consolation to ow1 when they’re likely talking about ow2? It’s a joke. That’s literally what it is. Just a way to get people to shut up and move on.

After the really nice skins we got for the last several events I was looking forward to lunar new year and archives especially but now I know that this game is actually just not gonna get anything until ow2


I love the look of these recolors and I throughly respect the art team and all their hard work. As we get less new gameplay elements, what has always remained consistent is the effort that is put into legendary skins. I even go so far as to read up on the artists that designed the skins because even if a certain skin isn’t my cup of tea, it’s always a labor of love and effort.

However, “content” might not be the right word in this case. A skin doesn’t change gameplay when (and then devs have owned up an apologies for this) that the main gameplay of the game as been somewhat neglected.

You can reinforce that skins are high quality and take resources to produce without equating them to the “content” people are referring to.

Im still confused, so we get 6 recolors every event, AND new legendaries?

Do the recolors count toward the “most new legendaries” or not?

And why is it called anniversary remix when anniversary is in may?

Every other event doesn’t exist anymore this year, these remixes are the event we’re getting instead of archives, anniversary, and summer events. All we get are the 6 recolors this time, maybe next time too who knows, and the repeat challenge skins. They said that it doesn’t count towards the “most new legendaries” but again they likely meant was “we’re getting a huge dump of legendaries when ow2 comes out later this year”

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Because i just did their work. I recreated the skins they came up with, in less than an hour.

How exactly do you think this took any effort? Are you really picturing them in a gathering, brainstorming up new skin ideas? They sat around for hours, and the best idea they came up with was a bunch of… white recolors? Not even actual retextures, they literally just moved some sliders around to change the colors. Compare the skins directly to their original counterparts; aside from the changes in color and hue, there are no changes to the details, like you’d usually see with EPIC SKINS.

And at the end of the day, regardless of the effort they’ve put in, what they’re trying to sell/hand to us as content is… the most barebone recolors.

There is no defending this. There just simply isn’t. This isn’t even an attack on the artists themselves; i’m sure they’ve had plenty of incredible ideas that they wanted to realise as actual skins.

But we can’t just accept that a video game company (triple A company, at that!) tries to sell these shoddy recolors to their players during a 2-3 year content drought. This is what i’m trying to criticize here.


im still questioning if this is an april fools joke because the skins seem legit but the actual event seems so weird


They said we’ll be getting more betas later in the year. Odds are OW2 will not be released in 2022. Especially now that they confirmed from now until OW2 the entire structure of events has changed. They wouldn’t reveal such a long term plan if it only impacted like 3 events.

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I honestly don’t think it’s an april fools joke. It makes too much sense for them to do something like this as a finale to ow1 with the least amount of effort while they direct the rest of it towards ow2.

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Nothing related to the quote…

but are we getting new emotes with the event?