Some Other Nerf Suggestions for Hammond

Even a week after the nerf, Ball is still the most played tank in GM, you know, where they generally play good heroes? Maybe time may prove me wrong, but for now I’m standing by my statement.

Please, at most Ball got his toenails clipped.

but dosent he already get lots of value like that by wasting opponents resources and ur team can push in

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Which is what Monkey used to do before Ball became an easier and less risky version of him.

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Not if you time your engagements. A tank shuold be W’ing hard into the enemy team when Ball is scurrying away after a CC. They are literally down a tank!

Ball has an incredibly high skill cieling. Like the opposite of diminishing returns. He gets exponentially more value the better he is played. That means he’s pretty bad below GM.

This is born out with him being the 5th of 8 least picked tank in Masters. Seems like even masters players can’t get value out of him.

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the funny thing is though they nerfed that part of ball for the low ranks anyway

Over and over until a character stunlocks and bursts him down, you mean to say.

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I don’t think you realise the skill gap between a masters player and a GM player. The skill gap between even a couple hundred of SR increases exponentially the higher one climbs.

That is exactly my point.

So why even worry about what a small fraction of a percent of players are exclusively able to get value out of? We nerfed an underperforming hero for 99% of players.

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i know they targeted the nerf to the spin to win part of ball which only/mainly low rank players struggled with?

That’s the thing though, it doesn’t take a GM to be able to reuse hook. This hurts plat/diamond players. Spin to win sucks, but it’s not worth crippling ball’s mid range potential, where he needs it the most.

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He’s literally the 5th pick out of 8 in GM. Consider yourself proven wrong.


in masters, no GM #1 in gm. But he sucks everywhere else.

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his pick rate dosent matter for gm since they targeted the nerf for gold plat diamond players

Too lazy to type it all again but here I go:

Also, I understand the sarcasm and that people are upset, but let’s be real it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just annoying as it also removes a few specific techs / rollouts and has no proper visual cue.

My own take is that the change had a good idea (nerfing Spin2Win) but it accomplished it badly. The same result could’ve been achieved by tweaking it differently without ruining other of Ball’s interactions and making it more visual and clear that the grapple is “breaking”

I uninstalled the game anyways because tanking feels completely miserable. I’d rather play DPS or other games instead. Not coming back until big OW2 changes drop and they make tanking less miserable.

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They nerfed an aspect that lower ranked players struggled against, he’s still a good hero in the right hands.

Let me be clear, If you are losing to spin to win in gold/plat/diamond, you are a disproportionately bad gold/plat/diamond player. This was a good change for silver and bronze, and bad players in the mid ranks.

I don’t really care about the bad players in the mid ranks, and I certainly don’t care about GM.

good for silver/bronze, but bad for every other rank if you are a tank player.


Who is struggling against a “spin2win” Ball, besides maybe people in bottom-of-the-barrel bronze? You’re imagining a problem that doesn’t exist.


Ball needs to be balanced for a game without CC. People should not forget CC is being deleted. So spin to win being deleted is the half step to that.

Bees! apparently.

but no, good players in mid ranks are not struggling.

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I don’t think it’s being deleted outright, I think they’re just removing most of the hard CC from non-tanks. Which makes sense since tanks are supposed to be the crowd controlling heroes. So if anything in OW2 I anticipate Ball’s CC is gonna get buffed which is gonna be super fun and interactive to play against :+1: