It won’t be buffed. It will be there, but it will also no longer effect tanks, and that’s a huge deal.
Nah, I’m just laughing at all the tank players who are acting like Ball got crippled when in reality he’s only slightly weaker than he was before.
Clearly a DPS one-trick.
Ball’s ONLY utility left (after his endless nerfs to appease DPS one-tricks) was spinning on point, being a stall character.
He doesn’t even have that now. What’s he supposed to do now? Pathetically knock a few people 2CM away from where they were?
His damage in general sucks, his knock-back was reduced. He was good at stalling, which was a niche tactic limited to the lower ranks and now he’s not even good there either.
In high level play he could at least make setups, but he now only has 6 seconds to setup and rollout.
Ehh no but nice try though.
Apart from unblockable CC, good support assasination potential, a good space-making ultimate, and excellent cooldown-baiting ability, yeah he’s got zero utility.
What? His knockback is still very good.
Doesn’t that only increase his skill cap? Seems like a good thing to me imo. Only a handful of rollouts required more than a six second grapple.
And I’m laughing at your strong opinions about a hero you’ve spent all of (checks notes) 30 minutes playing this season.
tbf dude it hasent even been 2 weeks of the season
Sorry, I didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to have opinions on things I don’t use. I don’t use nuclear weapons but I have a strong opinion about not using them.
cmon dude if ur going to make fun
of other people atleast be good at the hero not 2008 sr ur border is about to be higher than ur rank with ball
It’s more like you don’t play an instrument, but went into a Guitar Center and started trying to lecture the employees about chord arrangement.
it’s like u try to play an instrument but never get good after many years of practice and still make fun of people
2008 puts him pretty solidly at average.
I mean it’s not great, but let’s not act like it is knowledgeless.
I’d say diamond is above average
Masters is great
and GM is best of the best for ladder play.
it kinda is though people consider mercy a main healer there many people orisa isn’t a main tank i so many let’s just say lose brain cells moments happen there
like i don’t make fun of gold players but if they try to roast someone for their profile it’s just like no especially if there about to drop to silver
IMO there is a difference in doggin on one’s profile and rightfully acknowledging that they do not play a hero.
i’m mainly taking about there second replay not the u only have 30 mins
Except I never made fun of Bees! themselves, only their easily disproven arguments and insane troll logic.
Yes, I’m 2008 SR with a gold border because this is my one and only account. So what? Am I supposed to be embarrassed that I don’t get banned constantly and have to start all over? Am I supposed to create a new account every time my SR drops below my border? LMAO
what troll logic was he using? is it something u don’t agree with or actual trolling
Maybe you missed the dozens of replies where he kept saying the Ball nerf was no big deal, while having almost no playtime on Ball and thus no qualification to speak on the matter. Oops!
he said not a big deal to the good ball players maybe he’s been watching them stream and noticed it isn’t a big deal i don’t think that’s to good logic to use because if u might be biased based on that’s ur main hero unless u main them because there op in ur opinion then use them for sr
Okay, let’s see what the literal best Ball player in the world thinks about the change: YEATLE HUGE HAMMOND NERF OVERWATCH GAMEPLAY SEASON 32 TOP 500 - YouTube
It forces him and all other Ball players to re-learn how to use the grapple mechanic. It’s horrible. It sucks. It’s a terrible fix for a problem that only seems to exist in bronze and very low silver.